Yeah well, despite being somewhat annoyed by your blunt advertising I decided to check that website out and while it is pretty nice, I remain unconvinced by the social media aspect of it.
In my opinion, the view that social media are the best way to bring people together is an illusion. Think back a few years. People were using mostly instant messaging. In my country the most popular service was Gadu-Gadu, an equivalent of Messenger. At the time I disliked the idea because there were tons of teenage girls writing to random people LiKe THiisSsSs AnD ThInKinG tHaT MaDe ThEEm CuUuUtE anD SwEEeT.
However, you could block random people talking to you with a single click and you always had a list of your friends. Those friend lists didn't go into thousands like they do today on Facebook, because people didn't collect "friends" and "likes". It was all about communication. If your computer was on, you were available. So were other people and if you needed to talk to them, they would respond immediately, because they didn't need to have the browser open all the time and it wasn't eating away a lot of their RAM.
The point is, instant messaging is pretty much dead nowadays due to Facebook. People just open their browser every now and then and answer to whatever messages people sent them, at their convenience. Luckily there is one remnant of that non-deluded era of actual communication: forums. Yeah, we are not just a bunch of profile pages around here. We are actually sharing opinions, discussing them and commenting all in the same space. We are not just simply leaving comments for other people to glance over and forget about our existence right afterwards. Facebook employees would probably call this a mess. I would call this the closest thing to actually meeting a bunch of people in real life, and that's why, to me, websites with forums will always be better than Facebook-like things.
If you just want to be a profile that nobody cares about, suit yourself, but don't impose it on us as a "superior" thing. Thank you.
Last edited by Yasashii; 12-07-14 at 02:50 PM.