Good erotic websites?


Registered User
Anyone know of any erotic websites with a classy vibe (ex. Playboy) versus the typical sleazy vibe you see on free porn sites? - don't post links, just names.

Registered User
Wow that was a quick reply

Although, Captain Spaulding and Sci-Fi Slob are really trashing this place and making it more sleazy.

Sometimes the MoFo Personal Pictures Thread gets very personal.

Registered User
Well, Sexy's avatar says it all!
No homo

Oh. Well, in that case, forget my earlier erotic website recommendation.

Actually, this is a pretty good question.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Weird, I could swear Toxic Fletch posted a much longer post with some recommendations. Probably deleted by Yoda. ;(

Weird, I could swear Toxic Fletch posted a much longer post with some recommendations. Probably deleted by Yoda. ;(
You would be correct.

You would be correct.
You can still send the recs to me and 90sAce via private message.

You can still send the recs to me and 90sAce via private message.
Well, being that my recommendations got deleted, and for good reason because they were against forum policy, I'd rather not take my chances sending links in a message. One of the sites being mine can be found linked in the sidebar of my personal blog, that would be my user name at blogspot, or you can just search my user name on Google and get my blog.

Pretty sure it wouldn't be against the rules to send them via PM. Ace requested them, after all. It's only against the rules to post that content publicly.