Blue Car (2002) - I watched this movie for the 6th Hall of Fame. This is kind of a hard movie for me to rate because I liked some things about it, but I didn't like other things about it.
I'm sorry about all the spoilers, but it's hard to explain my thoughts about this movie without giving away some important plot points.

I liked the basic story about a teacher helping his student with her writing because he thought she had talent. He even encouraged her to enter her writing in a competition. For most of the movie, I thought it was a great relationship. He became almost a father-figure for her, when her own father wasn't part of her life.
WARNING: "SPOILER!!!" spoilers below
But then, when their relationship changed, I didn't like it anymore. In the blink of an eye, he went from being a father-figure to being a pedophile.
I was also back and forth about the main character, Megan. At first, I didn't like her because she seemed like a self-centered teenager. She didn't want to help her mother by taking care of her younger sister, and she was even rude and nasty to her mother about it.
WARNING: "SPOILER!!!" spoilers below
But then when her sister was in the hospital, she changed and became a caring older sister.
WARNING: "SPOILER!!!" spoilers below
Unfortunately, we never really got a chance to know the younger sister before she died, so we didn't really get a chance to care much about her either. Plus the scene came and went so fast that it didn't even feel like her own family cared about her. Did her father even show up when she was in the hospital? Or at her funeral?
At least the movie ended on a bit of a high note. I liked Meg's final poem. It was very powerful.