GBGoodies 2015 Movie Logbook


Trouble with a capitial 'T'
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)...Great Review! That's the first movie I've seen you give a 5 rating too. I seen ET at the theaters too and liked it too.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)...Great Review! That's the first movie I've seen you give a 5 rating too. I seen ET at the theaters too and liked it too.

I rarely give a 5 star rating because it means the movie was perfect, with no room for improvement. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial was one of the few movies that deserves that rating.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
I believe I have only given two 5 star ratings so far. Have you given any other 5 star ratings?

I seen 7 Faces of Dr. Lao the other night, my wife liked it. It was fun and different. I liked the fish in the bowl that grew.

I believe I have only given two 5 star ratings so far. Have you given any other 5 star ratings?

I seen 7 Faces of Dr. Lao the other night, my wife liked it. It was fun and different. I liked the fish in the bowl that grew.

I think the only other movie that I've given a 5 star rating was Sunday in New York (1963).

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Thanks for the links! I already checked Netflix & my library and they don't have it, so that helps me. I've seen Jane Fonda in a few of her early movies and have really liked her in them.

Phffft (1954) - I hadn't heard of this movie before I watched it, but it aired on a local cable channel recently. I like the movie It Should Happen to You with Judy Holliday and Jack Lemmon, so when I read that this movie also starred Holliday and Lemmon, I decided to give it a try.

This movie is a bit predictable, but it's a great rom-com. It's a fun screwball comedy about divorce, and finding out if that's really what they really want from each other. I love the mambo dance scene, and the slide-out bed, but Jack Lemmon looks kind of funny with a mustache.

Judy Holliday and Jack Lemmon have such great chemistry together that I wish they had made more than only two movies together. Jack Carson and Kim Novak are also great in their supporting roles.

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All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) - I watched this movie for the 6th Hall of Fame, and also for JayDee's decade movies challenge.

Forum Wide Challenges
Watch a film from each decade between the 1930s and the 2010s. So that's a film from 9 separate decades.

I'm not much of a war movie fan, but this is a very powerful movie. It shows how young men start out with smiles on their faces while thinking about how they're going to fight for their country, and how they find out that war isn't as glamorous as they thought it would be when they see how their friends are dying all around them. The scene when Paul goes home on leave and visits his school is a great example of this. When the students hear how he talks about the harshness of war, and they call him a coward for not wanting to die for his country.

The visuals are a bit graphic, but not gory. Watching the soldiers passing off the boots of a dying solider from one soldier to the next after each soldier dies is heartbreaking. Reality sets in when you see how many soldiers don't return from battle in the scene when the cook refused to serve the men their food when there were only 80 men instead of 150 men. He didn't seem to be able to grasp the concept that so many soldiers didn't make it back from battle. However, I couldn't quite figure out what he was going to do with the extra food if he didn't serve them.

The acting is good, but we never really get to know many of the characters, so we don't really feel the deaths of some of the soldiers as much as we could have if the characters had been flushed out better, but overall, this is a very good movie. It's an excellent depiction of the harsh reality of the horrors of war.

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K-On! (2011) - I watched this movie for the 6th Hall of Fame. I didn't have high hopes for it after reading the first few reviews here, but I went in with an open mind to give it a fair chance.

The movie is okay, but nothing special. However it's better than the reviews I've read here. The story about a group of teenage girls in a band who take a trip to London before their graduation seems to be aimed at teenage girls, so I'm not really surprised about the reviews.

The voices (in the dubbed version) are so high and squeaky that they sound like a female version of the Chipmunks. The songs are okay, but a bit annoying. (However I think that most teenage girls might like the songs.) Even in the dubbed version, the songs aren't in English, so I have no idea what they were singing about. The animation is pretty good, but I don't watch much anime, so I don't know how it compares to other anime.

According to IMDB, this was originally a TV series before the movie was released, so maybe it would be better if I had seen the TV series first and had some reference about the characters and their backgrounds.

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Late Spring (1949) - I watched this movie for the 6th Hall of Fame.

I liked this movie a lot, and I think it's one of the better movies that was nominated in this HoF. The story is simple, yet emotional, and it's very well-written. The characters are all likable people who are easy to relate to, which makes it easy to care about them. The visuals are beautiful, and the movie flows along nicely.

I was a little bit disappointed that we never got to see the possible future husband, who was supposed to look like Gary Cooper. He piqued my curiosity as soon as they started talking about him, and I wanted to see if he really did look like Gary Cooper. However, this did not take anything away from the movie itself.

I liked the ending, and the twist that we learn at the very end, but it was kind of sad to see the father's loneliness at the end, after his daughter got married, and he revealed that his impending marriage was just a ruse to get his daughter to wed.

This is a very good movie, and I'm glad it was nominated in the Hall of Fame.

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Pierrot le Fou (1965) - I watched this movie for the 6th Hall of Fame.

This movie was interesting, but kind of chaotic too. It reminded me a bit of Bonnie & Clyde, with a couple in love and on the run, but the tone of the movie seemed a bit lighter. I thought the ending was kind of predictable in what happened, but not how it happened.
I expected both of them to die at the end, but the way they died was kind of unique, and definitely unexpected.

Jean-Paul Belmondo and Anna Karina had great chemistry together, which made them a pleasure to watch. It seemed kind of strange that they sort of broke out into song like it wanted to be a musical, but it didn't really have the feel of a musical. The movie seemed to have an interesting use of colors, with the focus being mostly on red.

Overall, I kind of have mixed feelings about this movie. It's an interesting story, and it's fun to watch, but it just felt a little too "artsy" for me. Having said that, I think the arthouse mafia will probably love this movie.

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Man, you're burning through the HOF. I haven't started yet as I still have some movies I want to see before the Oscars. (I don't think I'll get to all the ones I want to though :/)

Man, you're burning through the HOF. I haven't started yet as I still have some movies I want to see before the Oscars. (I don't think I'll get to all the ones I want to though :/)

I like going through the HoF movies quickly so I can read what other people have to say about them without worrying about reading any spoilers. Then I still have time to re-watch any movies that I think might benefit from a second watching before compiling my list.

How many of the have you watched so far, GBG?
I'm at 13/19.

I'm pretty much at the same place that you're at on the list. I've watched 13 of 19, but 1 of the last 6 is a movie that I've already seen several times, but I'm planning to re-watch it anyway.

Watched (13)
All Quiet On The Western Front
Foreign Correspondent
Late Spring
Woman In The Dunes
Pierrot le Fou
This Boy's Life
A Perfect World
The Sweet Hereafter
Blue Car
Brokeback Mountain
Before The Devil Knows Your Dead
The Man From Earth

Not Watched (5)
Das Boot
Raise The Red Lantern

Already saw, but want to re-watch (1)
Fail Safe


I've still got All Quiet On the Western Front (technically a rewatch, but I've not seen it since high school), Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, Das Boot, Fail Safe, Pierrot le Fou, and The Sweet Hereafter left to go.

Raise the Red Lantern (1991) - I watched this movie for the 6th Hall of Fame.

I rarely like movies about cultures that I don't know much about because I just can't relate to their way of life, but this movie was kind of interesting. At first, I thought it was going to be a boring story about the master and his four mistresses, but as the story progressed, it had my full attention. Watching the way the women started out friendly, but then seeing the mistrust and the backstabbing between the women showed that there's a lot more to this movie than I expected. (It was like watching an episode of "Survivor".) I thought some of the penalties were way too harsh, but I guess that's the differences in the cultures.

I liked that we never really get a good look at the master. It keeps him as a minor role, and helps the story focus more on the women. The pace is kind of slow, but the scenery is beautiful. Unfortunately the subtitles were pretty bad, and I had to rewind a few times to figure out what people were saying, but at least the movie was worth it.

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