GBGoodies 2015 Movie Logbook


Rushmore (1998) - I watched this movie for the 6th Hall of Fame. I've only seen two Wes Anderson movies, and I'm not really a fan of either, so I didn't have much hope for this movie.

This movie turned out to be the best of the three Wes Anderson movies that I've seen, but that's not saying much. It was okay, but not great. I liked the basic story about Max Fischer, (Jason Schwartzman), and all of his extra-curricular activities, and the friendship that forms between Max and Herman Blume, (Bill Murray), but I didn't like the feel of the movie, or the kind of quirky performances of Schwartzman and Murray.

The movie lists as a comedy, but I didn't think it was very funny, and I thought the love triangle between Max, Mr. Blume, and Rosemary Cross, (Olivia Williams), felt kind of awkward. Strangely, Jason Schwartzman reminded me a little bit of a young Robert Downey Jr., but without RDJ's charisma or talent.

It seems like Wes Anderson is one of those directors that people either love or hate his movies, and so far, I'm not landing on the 'love it' side.

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Winter Calls Thy Name
What other two have you seen?

Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997) - I watched this movie because Honeykid challenged me to watch one film made by each of the six main Friends, and this movie was recommended by several people as a movie with Lisa Kudrow.

I challenge gbg to watch one film made by each of the six main Friends.

This is a fun movie, but it's a bit on the stupid side too. Watching this movie reminded me of every type of person that I hated in high school. The bullies, the ditzes, the jocks, the nerds, etc. Every stereotype in the book was featured in this movie, and in the most unrealistic ways.

Having said that, this movie is actually pretty funny if you just take it for what it is, a simple comedy that just wants to be a fun movie. It's not a masterpiece, but it's not supposed to be one either. The acting was okay, although it was a bit over the top in some scenes, especially the dance scene with Lisa Kudrow, Mira Sorvino, and Alan Cumming. The ending was predictable, but that's to be expected in this type of movie.

Overall, regardless of how incredibly ridiculous and predictable this movie is, it's still a pretty good movie, and I really enjoyed it.

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The Bounty Hunter (2010) - I watched this movie because Honeykid challenged me to watch one film made by each of the six main Friends, and I like Gerard Butler, so this movie seemed like a good movie for the movie with Jennifer Aniston part of the challenge.

I challenge gbg to watch one film made by each of the six main Friends.

Based on the low rating on IMDB, I think I enjoyed this movie a lot more than most people. It's supposed to be a romantic comedy, as well as an action movie, but it's more action than rom-com. It's not really "edge-of-your-seat" type of action, but it's a lot of fun. It even has a bit of mystery thrown in for good measure.

Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler have pretty good chemistry together, but it's hard to get past thinking that Jennifer Aniston is Rachel from "Friends". She's basically the same type of character, but instead of Ross, she has the same type of on and off relationship with Gerard Butler.

If you're looking for a fun and exciting movie, I'd recommend ignoring the IMDB rating on this movie, and giving this movie a chance.

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I'm pretty much at the same place that you're at on the list. I've watched 13 of 19, but 1 of the last 6 is a movie that I've already seen several times, but I'm planning to re-watch it anyway.

Watched (13)
All Quiet On The Western Front
Foreign Correspondent
Late Spring
Woman In The Dunes
Pierrot le Fou
This Boy's Life
A Perfect World
The Sweet Hereafter
Blue Car
Brokeback Mountain
Before The Devil Knows Your Dead
The Man From Earth

Not Watched (5)
Das Boot
Raise The Red Lantern

Already saw, but want to re-watch (1)
Fail Safe
All Quiet is still the only film I have seen.

Gotta hurry.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997) - I recommend that one to you. I'm glad you liked it. I thought it was a fun film.

Watching this movie reminded me of every type of person that I hated in high school. The bullies, the ditzes, the jocks, the nerds, etc.
"bullies, the ditzes, the jocks, the nerds"....doesn't that just about cover everyone in school. So which one were you? or something else? Class president? or????

Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997) - I recommend that one to you. I'm glad you liked it. I thought it was a fun film.

"bullies, the ditzes, the jocks, the nerds"....doesn't that just about cover everyone in school. So which one were you? or something else? Class president? or????

I was pretty much a loner in school. I went to school in an area where everyone was either a JAP (Jewish American Princess), or a druggie, and I didn't want to have anything to do with any of them. I had a small handful of close friends, and just ignored everyone else.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
I know what a druggie is but what is a (Jewish American Princess). I've heard that term before but not sure what it means?Does it have to do with wealth? Was this a rich school district? Mine sure wasn't, I don't think we had any kids from rich families.

I know what a druggie is but what is a (Jewish American Princess). I've heard that term before but not sure what it means?Does it have to do with wealth? Was this a rich school district? Mine sure wasn't, I don't think we had any kids from rich families.

A Jewish American Princess is someone who thinks that they're entitled to everything without earning it because their daddy has money and buys them anything they want. They think that they're better than everyone else, and they basically walk all over people to get what they want.

Author! Author! (1982) - Did you ever see a movie that nobody else seems to know anything about, you never see it air on TV, the local video store doesn't have it, and the clerk there has never even heard of it, so you start to wonder if it's even a real movie, or maybe just a strange dream you had many years ago? That's what this movie was for me until it finally aired on a local cable channel a few days ago.

Al Pacino stars as an author whose play is being produced on Broadway. When his wife, (Tuesday Weld), leaves him, he has to take care of five children, but only one of the children is actually his child. His life gets even more complicated when he gets involved with the lead actress from his play, (Dyan Cannon).

This isn't a great movie, but it's kind of cute. It has some fun scenes, and some drama, but the best reason to watch this movie is for Al Pacino's performance. It's much more lighthearted and fun than most of his other movies, and he does a great job. None of the child actors who play his kids are great, but they're good enough to keep the movie entertaining.

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Serving Sara (2002) - I watched this movie because Honeykid challenged me to watch one film made by each of the six main Friends, and this movie just seemed like a good movie for the movie with Matthew Perry part of the challenge.

I challenge gbg to watch one film made by each of the six main Friends.

This is another movie with a low rating on IMDB that probably should be a little bit higher. It's not a great movie, but it's not that bad either. There are no real 'laugh-out-loud' moments in the movie, but there are plenty of chuckles throughout it. It's somewhat predictable, which is normal for most rom-coms, but this one has an interesting twist at the end.

Matthew Perry and Elizabeth Hurley have pretty good chemistry together, but it's really Bruce Campbell as Hurley's husband who steals the movie. Matthew Perry's character is very similar to Chandler Bing on Friends, so if you like that type of comedy, you'll probably enjoy this movie. Just don't expect too much.

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Charlie's Angels (2000) - I watched this movie because Honeykid challenged me to watch one film made by each of the six main Friends, and this movie has the highest rating of any movie with Matt LeBlanc, so I decided to watch this movie for the Matt LeBlanc part of the challenge.

I challenge gbg to watch one film made by each of the six main Friends.

Matt LeBlanc only has a small cameo appearance in this movie, but based on the other movies I looked at while trying to decide which of his movies to watch, that's probably a good thing because this movie was pretty bad, so I don't know why anyone would want to watch any of his other movies which have even lower ratings.

This is another disappointing movie in the recent trend of movies based on old classic TV shows. It's not a good action movie, it's not funny or exciting, and even the mystery part of the movie is just dumb.

The acting is terrible, the plot is ridiculous, and the action and fight scenes are just unbelievable. For example, at one point early in the movie, all three of the girls fight against one guy (the Thin Man), and they can't beat him even though they're all supposed to be martial arts experts. Three against one and they still couldn't win? I think they need more martial arts training.

This movie is basically just three girls as eye candy in a bad movie. The only highlight of the movie was the nostalgia of John Forsythe providing the voice of Charlie. If you're a fan of the 1970s Charlie's Angels TV show, I'd recommend skipping this movie and just buying the original series on DVD.

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Oh, I couldn't disagree more with you about Charlie's Angels, but I doubt that's news. I do think it's a good summer popcorn movie, though. I really like the scene with the Thin Man.fighting the three Angels, too.

Master of My Domain
You describe it as three girls in a horrible movie yet you give it a whopping

Oh, I could disagree more with you about Charlie's Angels, but I doubt that's news. I do think it's a good summer popcorn movie, though. I really like the scene with the Thin Man.fighting the three Angels, too.

I thought most of the movie was just ridiculous, but some guys might enjoy it just for the eye candy.