What would make you love a movie trailer site?


I'll be honest, I'm thinking of starting a new project. A movie trailer website.

There are a lot of websites out there that show and preview the latest movie trailers but I would like to gather some thoughts on would you think would be the ideal "movie trailer" site.

For example, apart from say Apple Trailers, most movie trailer video players are these tiny little boxes that you need to squint to see. I want a trailer page to have that video player as the pure and biggest focus.

My question to you is; are things like "directors" and "actors" important to you when looking at movie trailer or do you feel that's all unnecessary fluff.

What about the blurb of text explaining about the movies storyline/plot is all about? Does that really matter to you?

I think ease of access is the most important thing.

Having a back-catalogue section of films in Alphabetical Order.
Then a second section for brand new films, or films yet to be released, again in Alphabetical Order.

I think having a small synopsis for each film would be key as well. People who frequent trailer sites and film sites do so for the information obviously... but the more info the better.

You'd need it to be easy to navigate. Having too much stuff on one page would just be a chore to work through to find what you want.
Go for sub-sections like I said. One section for older films, a second section for new releases and upcoming films, but keep them Alphabetical to give ease of access.

A system of cells interlinked
I avoid all trailers like the plague. I like going into films knowing as little as possible. The only time I ever watch them is at the cinema!
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

Well, people could appreciate most the watching of trailers that are long, about new movies and showing some of the best scenes.

I misread this title as "Would you make love to a movie trailer site?"

Obviously, this is every web developer's goal when they start a new project, but no one's ever actually achieved it.

I think it would be great to have a Movie Trailer website as long as you show trailers of films from all over the world, in any language and of any genre. I, myself, am a foreign film fan and I have a few sites I visit and get my info. And I do take suggests from other members here as well.

First of all, make it easy for the eyes, there are some websites that just make your eyes hurt. And your brain.

The image is the first thing everyone is going to see. So don't overdo it, don't put too much stuff on the main page. Put categories, and sub-categories.

Alphabetical order in movies obviously.

Mainstream movies trailer. New movies trailer.

Make it fun and easy. Also make sure that the trailers are in the best quality possible, research and so on. English, no subtitles. Make it available for everyone.

Etc etc, I honestly don't think such a project can have sucess if it's only performed by 1 person. You need a team, each with a different part of the website to get working on. To discuss things, improve, change, ideas. I mean here we can give you ideas but you need a team to get it all done correctly. If not, you'll overdo it and/or stress out and mess it up.
Can we talk about the play? Other than the fact that I gave your personality to a murderer, what did you think?

Master of My Domain
I would personally like director info stuff and plot explanation you stated in the thread. The main issue though is appealing to the mainstream crowd who don't care about that stuff- which is hard without making hugely changing the content like Honest Trailers does lol (well technically it's NOT a trailer but just as an example), also most people just use YouTube for movie trailers. Good luck with the site but just sayin struggling for site popularity will be normal.

People tend to spend just a few seconds on a website when they decide if what they see is what they are going to use. Make sure the front page is straight to the point showing only the most important things. Most trailer websites has decided to put new trailers on their front page, they are probably doing a smart move and I am not telling you that what I say is the way to go, but I believe that new visitors to the site are more likely to be there because they want to find trailers for a specific kind of genre. Users who have been on the site before are more likely to lurk around and look for new film trailers and since new visitors usually outnumber recurring ones, I think you should put categories on the front page.

I have never used a trailer website myself, I usually just let YouTube and IMDb do the work but I can imagine myself being interested in some sort of system which displays trailers for films within registered users' favorite categories.

Lastly, I am not really a big fan of white nor other bright backgrounds when I am watching a video. This is just a personal preference of course, but if you could look for more opinions on the matter I am sure you will be able to decide whether you should go for a darker or brighter background color.