Welcome to the MoFo Outdoor thread!

Obviously you won't be outside when you post in here (probably), but the motive of the outdoor thread is to come up with activities that will inspire MoFos to go outside
It's good to watch the movies
It's good to make movie list countdowns
It's good to participate in the song tournaments and all the other great MoFo things
And sometimes it's good to go outside and get some sunlight, so that we aren't all ghosts
The first idea, and one thing i started doing recently is..

i bought these goofy things a couple weeks ago for 35 bucks at the sporting goods store

been breaking those in. Don't think i've tried something like that since i was like 12, may be more challenging than it sounds, one wrong move and i might end up on my face or on my butt. so that's been fun
Come up with your own fun or quirky outdoor activities and post them here to inspire MoFos to go get some sunlight!
Welcome to the MoFo Outdoor thread!

Obviously you won't be outside when you post in here (probably), but the motive of the outdoor thread is to come up with activities that will inspire MoFos to go outside
It's good to watch the movies
It's good to make movie list countdowns
It's good to participate in the song tournaments and all the other great MoFo things
And sometimes it's good to go outside and get some sunlight, so that we aren't all ghosts
The first idea, and one thing i started doing recently is..

i bought these goofy things a couple weeks ago for 35 bucks at the sporting goods store

been breaking those in. Don't think i've tried something like that since i was like 12, may be more challenging than it sounds, one wrong move and i might end up on my face or on my butt. so that's been fun
Come up with your own fun or quirky outdoor activities and post them here to inspire MoFos to go get some sunlight!
Welcome to the MoFo Outdoor thread!