Originally Posted by Loner
I loved the rant Golgot
But I will say that at this time people should know that processed foods are bad for them
You shouldn't need a University study for that.
It's like having a warning label on a handgun,"don't point at your own head."
I dont' really want to answer the last two questions, you did say all didn't you?
Heheh, cheers man, but yeah, you're right. There are far too many silly studies out there - when so many decent studies need funding (like genuine research into the five core areas of health-risk concerning GM food which the biotechs still refuse to do for example

On the last questions, well, I don't want to answer them either, just in case the 82 in Shape's name refers to waist size

- nah, they were jokey questions anyway. I totally believe that some people are predisposed to weight gain in the same way that my body refuses to put on fat (sorry Slay, but look at it this way, when the ice age comes, my decendants will be ****ed

As it is tho, there's just too much "convenient" crap out there (often coupled with highly manipulative, kiddie-aimed, advertising). I never like seeing products with addiction-like effects that erode free-will pushed heavily in society. Fair enough that a full-time sucker deserves what they get ultimately (and as a smoker and drinker, boy do i know that

), but there's gotta be a point where society as a whole wises up and fights back against negative industries. That's how i see it is all

Ohhhh, and i can't resist a quick dig at the FDA while I'm here. Altho they occasionally do their job, you should check out how insanely blase, industry-paid, or easily swayed they are concerning things like GM, hormone-treatment, the highly dodgy
irradiation quick-"fix", and many other things. The most amusing one i read recently talked about how they accept that the meat of "stressed" animals (i.e. factory-farmed ones) does have various negative side-effects on the consumer, including reduced sexual desire in males if i recall correctly (but they decided that wasn't a bad thing per se, as they didn't have any data on whether having a low sex drive was bad for health).
We have some equally dubious pass-times occuring over here in the UK - but at least we're GM, hormone and BSE free (

) - leaves us more time to try and tackle the other health issues we share with you guys (and the industry-lead ineptitudes of our guys, the FSA). But if I were you, I'd put some pressure on the industries that feed you guys over there. And I'd take with a pinch of salt the argument that the BSE/mad-cow case was an isolated canada-sourced one-off. You're doing all the things wrong that we used to (feeding cow's blood/left-overs to calves etc etc), so it's odds on that it's fairly widespread, and merely under-reported due to your fairly scant safety proceedure (only 30,000 cows checked a year i believe, a tiny number for such a big country. And I heard tell that the requirement for cows to be able to walk into their place of slaughter has only just been put in place. May not be true, can't be bothered to check right now, but i reckon some bigger changes are well over-due.)
I could go into how chains like mcdonalds have negatively affected the US meat-industry, but hell, i think I've re-ranted far too much already
Support "organic" and "free-range" my sun-dappled friends.

(and I won't even start in on Gm - gah, thought I'd finsihed...
