David & Lisa (1962)


The movie is David and Lisa from 1962, starring Keir Dullea and the lovely, late Janet Margolin. (I really want to see this again in its entirety.)

The question (for anyone who's actually ever seen it)... was the character of "Sheldon Cooper" on The Big Bang television series, played by Jim Parsons, based on the character of "David Clemens" in David and Lisa?

Some of the similarities are uncannily coincidental (if it is coincidence at all)... they both have genius level intellects, are both anal retentive, both come off as arrogantly intellectually-superior & anti-social, have issues with personal physical contact, are socially inept in the same ways, have similar phobias, and even many of their mannerisms are the same.

The big difference is that Sheldon's eccentricities are played for laughs while David was featured in a somewhat serious film about mental illness.

I've seen the movie a few times and don't see it personally.
I think if we could insert an overused laugh track into the movie that goes off after everything David says or does, you'd begin to see the similarities.

No, it's not the guy who plays sheldon in big bang theory, it was the guy who played the main character in 2001: A space odyssey (Keir Dullea). You're welcome

That's not what he asked, Frogo.
Well i'm stupid Thanks for the help

Also - I started watching David and Lisa on YouTube and I can see that David is a lot angrier than Sheldon, but then imagine how Sheldon might react if he was forced against his will to go live in a mental institution. (I imagine he'd be a bit angry.)