Underground Cave Movie


I was asked this by a friend of mine on Facebook, but I don't know what it is... thought I'd run it past you guys...

I need some help remembering a movie, I know it's a long shot and I can only remember a tiny bit of the ending...but it's been in my head and it wont go till I know what it is!
All I can remember from the ending is as follows ;
There's a bunch of people in like an underground cavern, some beasty monster things are climbing all over rock pillars hunting them, they get out somehow then 2 of the survivors meet at some coffee bar in I think Italy, they think they got them all but I think the girl's eyes change or something.....
That's all I can remember! I know it's probably just some random B movie pile of crap but it's bugging me!

This is all he remembers.

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That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I was asked this by a friend of mine on Facebook, but I don't know what it is... thought I'd run it past you guys...

This is all he remembers.

The Cave (2005)
Just watched it. Pretty rough.