The running man
Not too bad for an 80s movie I guess, but some pretty stupid writing.
Unarmed guy getting chased by killers.. and he never picks up a weapon. Kills a dude with a chainsaw, just leaves the chainsaw there to go run from the next guy unarmed.
Hell, early on I was thinking pick up a rock or something!! would have come in handy when someone was chasing them on a motorcycle… driving at you at 40 mph thats like you're throwing the rock at 70mph if you can even make a 30mph pitch
WARNING: "Ending was stupid and contradicted the story" spoilers below
Makes a big deal about not killing mr. lite brite in cold blood, then ends the movie by killing someone in cold blood. And everyone rejoices. uhhhh
Makes a big deal about not killing mr. lite brite in cold blood, then ends the movie by killing someone in cold blood. And everyone rejoices. uhhhh
Don't by too concerned about the spoiler tags. It's an 80s action movie with Arnold, you already know how it ends
Last edited by foster; 02-21-16 at 01:39 PM.