Donald Trump for President?


How can you act like you know there's 'this one reason you support him'?
I didn't say it was the only one. I said it was your "stated reason," in that it's the reason you've stated. If you want to state others, be my guest. Until then, I can only address the one you've given me.

Honestly i think your whole slant here is super a$$hole. I've been in the middle of Finals week, so i haven't had time to solve the entire riddle of the 2016 campaign. Does that mean i should be talked down at? Apparently so.
It's not my intention to talk down to you. I don't think I have, but if you feel anything I've said rises to that level, please point it out to me.

Frankly, I've tried to do the exact opposite: when I say a Trump supporter must be used to the idea of not knowing what he'll make them defend next, that implies that I think you're actually a good person who doesn't like what he says and doesn't really want to defend most of it, even if you think he's worth supporting in spite of it. It'd be a lot worse if I assumed you actually agreed with every horrible thing he's said or done. But since you pointedly refuse to defend most of it, even when directly asked, I don't think you do.

Trump does fund his own campaign WAY more than the other candidates. Link.
Okay, but my point with this is two-pronged: first, that people just believe him when he says he's self-funded, and have to be contradicted with hard data to find out it isn't strictly true. And second, that even if you think he's funding his own campaign more, I'm not sure where the magic line of "he's bought" comes in. So he's bought...but somewhat less than others? Even if this were how it worked, would that be appreciably better?

And yes, that is important to me. It's not the only part that's important though, even if you want to make it sound that way.
I'm not making it sound like anything: if it's the only reason you elaborate on, it's the only thing I can really talk to you about. If you tell me what else is important, I'll gladly talk about that.

But whether this is the only reason, or the biggest reason, the question is still: is your support contingent on it? Would you not support him if (when?) he engages in traditional fundraising? And if not, what would he have to do to lose your support?

I'm not asking these questions to be snarky, but to make an actual point. Support for Trump seems to be based in a belief in the man that simply isn't supported by his public record. So I want to establish whether or not this support is unconditional. If it is, then there's no point in arguing. If it isn't, then let's lay down some markers in advance, for the next time he goes back on something he's said.

I didn't say it was the only one. I said it was your "stated reason," in that it's the reason you've stated. If you want to state others, be my guest. Until then, I can only address the one you've given me.

It's not my intention to talk down to you. I don't think I have, but if you feel anything I've said rises to that level, please point it out to me.

Frankly, I've tried to do the exact opposite: when I say a Trump supporter must be used to the idea of not knowing what he'll make them defend next, that implies that I think you're actually a good person who doesn't like what he says and doesn't really want to defend most of it, even if you think he's worth supporting in spite of it. It'd be a lot worse if I assumed you actually agreed with every horrible thing he's said or done. But since you pointedly refuse to defend most of it, even when directly asked, I don't think you do.

Okay, but my point with this is two-pronged: first, that people just believe him when he says he's self-funded, and have to be contradicted with hard data to find out it isn't strictly true. And second, that even if you think he's funding his own campaign more, I'm not sure where the magic line of "he's bought" comes in. So he's bought...but somewhat less than others? Even if this were how it worked, would that be appreciably better?

I'm not making it sound like anything: if it's the only reason you elaborate on, it's the only thing I can really talk to you about. If you tell me what else is important, I'll gladly talk about that.

But whether this is the only reason, or the biggest reason, the question is still: is your support contingent on it? Would you not support him if (when?) he engages in traditional fundraising? And if not, what would he have to do to lose your support?

I'm not asking these questions to be snarky, but to make an actual point. Support for Trump seems to be based in a belief in the man that simply isn't supported by his public record. So I want to establish whether or not this support is unconditional. If it is, then there's no point in arguing. If it isn't, then let's lay down some markers in advance, for the next time he goes back on something he's said.
I mean, I see this whole thread as one big 'Let's talk down on Trump' thing. Part of me wants to believe you want to have a real discussion, then the other part says you're just looking to tear apart whatever i write up and looking for something to hold against me at a later date. Like i've said, i'm just a student. A college student. I think i'm pretty awesome, but i don't know everything. I don't sit around all day and gather all the political jargon to use against people. That would be counterproductive to my success. Basically, i want earth to be as great as it can be. As entertaining as it can be. In 50 years i'm not going to care about Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz or John Kasich or Bernie Sanders, but i will think back. Haha, Trump that was crazy. I remember that. It was fun. I know everyone on MoFo hates me for saying it except for Sexy and probably Gunslinger. I just want to provide a different voice here. It's all so one note

Lots of crap being said about Trump supporters.

Now there's a mass of Trump protesters in California causing riots. Some of them are kicking, punching and spitting on Trump supporters. That's real nice. That sounds like perfectly reasonable people we all should be happy to listen to and support.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Lots of crap being said about Trump supporters.

Now there's a mass of Trump protesters in California causing riots. Some of them are kicking, punching and spitting on Trump supporters. That's real nice. That sounds like perfectly reasonable people we all should be happy to listen to and support.
So you're not for fighting stupid with stupid? Tell me why you're supporting Trump again.


Trouble with a capital "T"
...I know everyone on MoFo hates me for saying it except for Sexy and probably Gunslinger.
No one hates you and no one thinks differently of you just because you support Trump. I don't really know you but you seem cool to me and I admire that you are willing to hang in there and support Trump, when almost no else does here...that takes guts!

So you're not for fighting stupid with stupid?
I don't believe people should have to attend a peaceful Trump rally and get punched in the face by a bunch of angry, out of control Mexicans. Let's see how you like it if you go somewhere and people show up and kick the crap out of you and your kids.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I don't believe people should have to attend a peaceful Trump rally and get punched in the face by a bunch of angry, out of control Mexicans. Let's see how you like it if you go somewhere and people show up and kick the crap out of you and your kids.
I agree 100%. Hate speech and trying to incite violence is completely out of line. It's terrible what is going on.

I don't condone Trump supporters doing it to anybody, either. ESPECIALLY Trump supporters. They need to show a better example more than anything.

Trouble with a capital "T"
SC I don't believe you actually support Trump for any other reason than it gives you a chance to draw attention to yourself. If everyone here was for Trump, you'd be for Hillary.

To be fair to Yoda he has asked multiple times why Trump supporters uh support him, this is a movie forum no one needs to answer that but it is also not unreasonable for Yoda to ask why people are. I'm not going to get into that "state reason" debate, if you didn't actually say that then i think Yoda should apologize (which i know he will), if you did say it (then i think you should apologize again i know you will).

Anyway you are both wrong Vermin Supreme should be president.

SC I don't believe you actually support Trump for any other reason than it gives you a chance to draw attention to yourself. If everyone here was for Trump, you'd be for Hillary.
Hillary is actually a big reason why I'm for Trump.

Lots of crap being said about Trump supporters.

Now there's a mass of Trump protesters in California causing riots. Some of them are kicking, punching and spitting on Trump supporters. That's real nice. That sounds like perfectly reasonable people we all should be happy to listen to and support.
Thing is even if this is 100% accurate it is about Trump supporters not Trump the candidate.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The way protesters in this country have been handling themselves appals me. That's why when I see a presidential candidate who wants to join in the frey I am appaled when smart people decide he is the one to support. He acts like the petulant children he calls out. He incites every opportunity he gets and then says who me. Nostro's big pro Trump argument tonight is that he's entertaining and we have a picture of him posted acting like a gangster. This has gotten beyong ridiculous. The fact that this man is getting millions of votes is laughable. You may as well be supporting the ignorant protestors that showed up to his rally tonight. The only difference between them is that he has the microphone and wears a suit.

I didnt like Trump before his whim was to endanger my country. Aside from that I know nothing we say will disuade Nostromo, his mind is made up. His "heart" is with Trump, and this is how many vote.

In the Sanders thread I was asked questions of policies and such which I couldnt answer unless I Googled, and hopefully I was Googling the right thing Anyway I believe Sanders would help the country regardless of the "socialist which will turn into communism blah blah" cloud that hangs over his head, but theres a bigassed difference between Bernie Sanders and Don Trump. People dont want Sanders to be President, but Trump outright terrifies them. Not all obviously.

So this is why Nostros feeling the way he is, Id be the same way, and Id be wrong to be. This isnt about bludgeoning a guy on the forum, but fear of someone that may become President. Its fear, and theres good reason for it. Im sorry Nostro if I seemed to be that way, and I know nobody here wants to "bludgeon" you Theres no way in hell man I can shut up about how awful Trump is though