Movie You're Watching Tonight


Trouble with a capital "T"
Have you seen this before, Rules? Or is it a first time watch for you?
First time watch. I didn't really watch many movies back in the 80s, so missed out on a lot of great films....and a lot of bad ones too!

Pirates of the caribean
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

Can you help me watch a more good movie? I don't know good movie.
Simple enough; what film do you plan on seeing tonight, and what are your expectations? I'm watching The Eiger Sanction, and being a Clint fan I'm hoping it'll be good. I might check out Taxi Driver as well, if I have time, which I have veeerrrry high hopes for.

I planned to watch the horror movie "Conjuring"

Bellissima (1952)

A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

Hopefully after this, Nice Guys next week and then BvS will make it to the cheap seats afterwards.

Curious to see how they incorporate Vision and Scarlett Witch in the battles. Overpowered is overpowered.