Rate The Last Movie You Saw


I want to see that one.
It was definitely worth watching! Not the best film of the year, but very good.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

Donnie Darko, I won't change fonts or add pictures or ratings. I don't know what to say about this movie, I would lie if I say that I get it, it probably isn't that hard to understand either, the only thing I know is that it did something to me. It was a movie I enjoy a lot, I was worried about it ending, I mean that I didn't want it to. I love the plot, the character, the film, and the trama.

Thanks TUS, I saw your title multiple times but today I looked it up and it was on Netflix. Funny enough it was on my list, I didn't remember adding it though. It's the second time travel movie I have watched without knowing how I find it.

Till det som ar vackert/Pure
Genre: Drama
Language: Swedish

Alicia Vikander is brilliant in this movie about a young girl who just cant seem to catch a break. Her mother is an alcoholic,both herself and her boyfriend seem to hang out with the wrong crowd-or they themselfs are the wrong crowd- she doesnt have a job and has had to resort to some shady acts to make money.She doesnt seem to be going anywhere until one day when her love of classical music makes her break into the concert hall in town and she is mistaken for a job applicant.Shes hired as the new reseptionist but this means she will have to keep up appearance.

Cant speak highly enough of Alicia in this,but theres a few things that keep it from getting all 5 stars
WARNING: spoilers below
at the end she gets her old job back,which its weird to be me considering security had to throw her out when she got fire and theres also her creepy appearance during the concert.Had it been the maestro who fired her and who met her at the hall that night it would have been more understandable because they might not have known about it,or even if they did,they themselfs were happy about her and the work she did.Also she would have been the number one suspect with the wife suspecting an affair,him being the only one not wanting her for the job-and him actually firing her,her being there at the night of his death acting frantic.

Re-watched Reign of Fire after a podcast review this weekend.
Great underrated movie, often overlooked with a great cast hamming it up.

Well worth a look

I have to return some videotapes...
Payback (1999) -

Messy tonally and kind of loses it's luster in the second half, especially with the unbelievable car scene. Silly.

Ransom (1996) -

An extremely well done first half, that falls apart after the mid-twist happens that makes absolutely no sense. Really wish that never happened and instead they just came up with another interesting angle. Mel delivers a great performance in this though, Russo and Sinise are also very good.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

Grizzly Man (2005)

A darkly comedic dive into the mind of an eccentric obsessed with living among and protecting bears. Werner Herzog pulls no punches in critiquing Timothy Treadwell's mission and speculating on his psyche, sifting through hundreds of hours of footage to make sense of him as a person. The mass of videotape yields some rare, beautiful moments in the wilderness, but also serves as a creative medium and a confessional outlet for Timothy. At times, it almost feels like a an absurdist mockumentary led by Andy Dick complete with vague questions about sexuality.

The conclusions Herzog offers throughout the film feel almost revelatory, specifically about Timothy's sentimental belief in a standard of harmony in nature while ignoring the innate chaos of the universe. Herzog is one of the few who could manage to handle this material in a way that it's touching, humorous, powerful, and even keeled all at the same time. Perhaps it's because he could easily be the subject of a documentary like this one. In a way, Timothy was a man after his own heart.

Letterboxd | ReverseShot | SlantMagazine

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Suicide Squad

(David Ayer)

One of the best edited trailers of the year is also one of the worst edited films of the year. Suicide Squad is a mess. I didn't want to believe what the critics were saying, I wanted this film to be good. I'm sorry fans, but the critics were right with this one.

After Superman has opened our eyes to a world with superheros and meta-humans, Amanda Waller decides to put together a task force full of 'bad people'. Should anything go wrong, they have will have complete deniability. This squad consists of some colourful characters and when one of their own goes rogue, they need to put their differences aside to save the world.

As I sat in the theatre, laughing at unintentionally funny parts, rolling my eyes at things that were ridiculous and genuinely being upset at how poorly this film was thrown together, I couldn't help but wonder what this film originally looked liked. After the tepid reaction to BvS, the studio scrambled to make this film a bit lighter in tone, the result is a horrible mess of a film that doesn't know what it wants to be. Flashback sequences haphazardly thrown in, character backstories dropped, cheesy jokes added, there are so many areas of this film that are out of sync that it hurts. Blatant continuity issues too just further cements the fact that this film was cut, re-cut, cut again and then reassembled from scratch.

The squad has Will Smith as Deadshot. A role I originally was cautious about, but he is one of the best aspects of this film. Along with Margot Robbie as Harley-Quinn, these two are standouts. That's the obvious part, even to a fault. The film dedicates so much time to these two that the rest of the squad is left behind. El Diablo has one of the more interesting backstories, but we only get a mere glimpse at it. He later has a line about the squad being his "new" family...what? He's known these people for less than 24 hours. None of the actions of these people ring true towards the climax, it's a joke.

Katana and Captain Boomerang are severely underused. Killer Croc becomes a stereotype, Rick Flagg has a forced relationship with another character to try and jam in some sort of emotional response, but it comes up short. Who's left on the squad? Oh yeah, Slipknot, the random guy only added to prove the bomb devices are real. Give the guy some backstory, he just randomly shows up. It's awkward.

A fun as it was to have Harley-Quinn in the film, she does not belong in the Squad with people who have fire like powers, or are have crocodile. She's crazy and has a bat, that's it. That's just a nitpick from me. Finally we have Leto's Joker. A lot must have been left on the cutting room floor for him. The man should have been the villain of the piece, it would have been more grounded. Instead we get some supernatural powered villain. It doesn't gel with the film. It gives more nameless henchmen for them to kill, but zero stakes.

Suicide Squad is a miss. Maybe a more comprehensive edit exists for DVD, maybe I'll give that a look, but damn is this a miss for me.

Don't Breathe ; B+
A great little chiller, crafted well in both sound editing and visuals. An interesting twist on the home invasion sub genre where the person in danger being either blind,deaf etc in the likes of 'Hush' and 'Wait Until Dark' is in fact the antagonist, Stephen Lang's 'blind man' excells at being an intimadating presence.

Welcome to the human race...
Really? but the name sounds so cute
Exactly. The trailer certainly sums it up...


Noroît -

More of Rivette's interesting-but-also-kind-of-boring surrealism.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Grizzly Man (2005)
I would be on the
side of the scale for this one. Not a fan. Annoying idiot, was my first impression. Believe it or not, I even have the DVD. Either way, it was real crap in my view. Glad it found an entertained audience, somewhere.
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

“I was cured, all right!”

"The Yellow Sea"
This movie is brutal!
I couldn't even blink during this movie!
Yun-Seok Kim is now one of my favorites actors.
In "The Chaser" he was superb, now in this second movie with "Hong-jin Na" (same director of The Chaser) he steal the scene
everytime that hes character shows up.
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Focus (2015)

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
The Revenant (2015)

Well well well, who would've thunk it? Turns out, that if you disable DiCaprio's voice in a film, criple him so he can't show off his more feminine running style, limit his lines, hide that baby face, place him in a rugged, manly, and carnivorous setting (for a change), throw in a bit of tongue action with a Pawnee (dude), and what do you know, he wins his first, well deserved Oscar. Bravo!

Hardy was good in all his scenes.

"At that moment, he told me, he found God.
And it turns out, that God, He’s a squirrel.
Yeah, big old meaty one.
I found God, he used to say.
While sittin' and baskin' in the, the glory and the sublimity of mercy, I shot and ate that Son of a Bitch." - John Fitzgerald
The film was long, so they had plenty of time to borrow ideas and visuals from other movies (First Blood, Rambo III, Gladiator and The Empire Strikes Back are the ones that come to mind), but nothing too distracting.
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