Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The last movie I watched was ''it'', a movie inspired by the Stephen King's book of the same name. The director is Tommy Lee Wallace and the film was launched in 1990. It's an old movie and I find it not really good... Generally I really hate horror movies or stories, I'm always scared even when I watch the ones which are not really terrifying. But yesterday my brother watched It and I was doing my homework. At the beggining I just glanced at the television but some minutes later I sat on the sofa because the movie very attrackted me.
I think that It is not a good horror movie because the special effects are really bad, the clown is not frightening. I really love the plot but it isn't good realised. I think it's the only entire horror movie I've ever watched in my life, that's the proof it's not really good. I haven't read the book yet but I think that he is better than the movie (as often). I know that a ''new'' It will launch next year, and with the modern special effects and all the things that can help to make a wonderful movie, it will be a blockbuster.
In conclusion I give a 3/10.

( Can you please post my text it's for a homework )

Finished here. It's been fun.
A Whole Night

Akerman is an incredible filmmaker. Jeanne Dielman, News From Home, and Rendezvous of Anna are all marvelous films. This film, however, is anything but great. Tedious, uninspired and crushingly dull.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Interesting. I'm going through her filmography chronologically and now it's time for this very movie. I hope I like it more than you!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave

Glad you enjoyed it. It's one of my favourite Hitchcock films actually, possibly as high as 3rd place. At least top 5. I like how much more sleezy and scuzzy it is than his normal work. At the same time however there's still some humour to enjoy, even if much of it would certainly qualify as gallows humour.

And I love that scene in the back of the truck. Such a wonderfully tense, claustrophobic set-piece.

The Lost Weekend -

This wasn't bad but it wasn't that good either IMO. The weakest Wilder i've seen so far. Mostly i think i've seen alcohol and/or drug addiction handled better in other movies or tv shows. I imagine if i saw this in 1945 it would have been as powerful and shocking as intended but it doesn't hold up that well for me personally. It was interesting seeing Don as basically the slimy villain but after a while of seeing him doing the same sort of things over and over it got tiring. That was one of the main problems for me, i think likability of the characters is alot less important to me than quite a few of the members here but 90 minutes of this guy duping the likable characters became really tiring particularly in the last 30 minutes. It did exactly what it set out to do so i'd call it a success that doesn't make it an enjoyable watch though. Ray Milland was good; i did find it hard to accept that these beautiful woman were so into him though. I could with Helen since their relationship started before she was aware of his problems and she decided to stick by him since she'd fell in love with him, but i don't understand Gloria. Gloria only ever saw him in the bar, she knew he was an alcoholic and only really seen him when he was drunk, she knew he was broke and she still wanted to pursue a relationship with him, don't know it was a bit hard to swallow. I did like some things about the film though; typical things that Wilder always gets right, it had a good screenplay and was well shot.

Glad you enjoyed it. It's one of my favourite Hitchcock films actually, possibly as high as 3rd place. At least top 5. I like how much more sleezy and scuzzy it is than his normal work. At the same time however there's still some humour to enjoy, even if much of it would certainly qualify as gallows humour.

And I love that scene in the back of the truck. Such a wonderfully tense, claustrophobic set-piece.
The essay that i mentioned that i can't find for some reason mentioned that Hitch always wanted his films alot sleazier and/or highly sexed that they were since that was something he greatly wanted to explore during his career. Of course during the majority of his career he couldn't make a film like that or places would refuse to play it, studios would refuse to work with him again, etc. By the time Frenzy was released these attitudes had been greatly relaxed so he could make a film like this without greatly damaging his reputation. I found that interesting.

And yeah it is pretty funny. I loved the 'Mrs Oxford can't cook' running joke, felt so odd seeing that in a Hitch film.

Cafe Society (2016)

Midnight Special -

Haven't seen much from 2016 so with this being Sci-Fi, 2016 and Jeff Nichols i thought i should check it out. Bit of a mixed bag for me. During the first thirty or so minutes i thought we were onto a great film, i loved the mystery surrounding Alton, both Shannon and Edgertons performances and the manhunt aspect. Once it started delving further into the Sci-Fi elements i lost some interest though. The mystery was best near the start i thought before they started revealing things, i liked wondering if his dad and Lucas were the good guys or the bad guys; same with the ranch. I also thought the last 30-40 minutes were pretty pointless, as soon as the possibility of him leaving for another planet (something i had already considered) was brought up in the hotel room it was obvious that's were it was leading and i didn't think there was anything interesting enough in that stretch for me not to think the film kind of died there. Still it did have my interest at one point and i thought Shannon and Edgerton were very good throughout, the kid wasn't amazing but he also wasn't annoying so that's a plus. I think Dunst is a good actress and i don't think she was bad here but i didn't really care about her character. The first mention of her made me think she'd play a big part in the plot and the mystery of Alton; but she really didn't at all. Maybe if they focused on them as a family a bit more like they did during the scene at her house; i'd have felt more about her relationship with Alton and the scene he leaves in particular.

Pretty good i think but not great; hope Loving is a step up from this and i've still yet to see Take Shelter

2016 so far:

01.Everybody Wants Some
02.The Witch
03.The Nice Guys
05.Midnight Special (i felt similar about this and Green Room so they could switch)
06.Green Room
07.Finding Dory

The Lost Weekend -
I love that film. Ray Milland's performance is one of my favorite of all time. Him walking down the street looking for booze on the tunes of Miklos Rozsa is one of those moments in cinema I always think of from time to time.

Too bad you didn't like it as much as I did, but I hope other people will still check it out for their '40s list!

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Not been here in quite a while due to work/illness and other stuff. In between all of that I went on a horror binge.

Don't Breathe (2016) -
The Woman in Black (2012) -
Pandorum (2009) -
Mimic (1997) -

Wyrmwood (2014) -

Plague of Zombies (1966) -
Lets Scare Jessica To Death (1971) -

Excision (2012) -

Drag me to Hell (2009) -
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Him walking down the street looking for booze on the tunes of Miklos Rozsa is one of those moments in cinema I always think of from time to time.
Yeah, that was a really good scene. Disappointed i didn't like it more my self.

I always felt the same way about Lost Weekend, a decent film, but one of my lower tier Wilder movies.
Good to know someone feels the same. That was my eighth from him and i would probably go:

01.Double Indemnity
02.Sunset Boulevard
03.The Apartment
04.Witness For The Prosecution
05.Ace In The Hole
06.Some Like It Hot
07.Irma La Douce
08.The Lost Weekend

None of them are bad though.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
1. Some Like It Hot
2. Double Indemnity
3. Witness for the Prosecution
4. Sunset Boulevard
5. Stalag 17
6. Sabrina
7. Ace in the Hole
8. One, Two, Three
9. The Apartment
10. Seven Year Itch
11. The Lost Weekend
12. Five Graves to Cairo

Not any bad ones really

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hard for me to rate Wilder most I really liked. More or less in this order.

Stalag 17
Double Indemnity
The Major and the Minor
The Apartment
Sunset Boulevard
Irma la Douce
Kiss Me, Stupid
Witness for the Prosecution
Ace in the Hole
The Lost Weekend
The Spirit of St. Louis
The Seven Year Itch
A Foreign Affair
Some Like It Hot
One, Two, Three
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
The Fortune Cookie
Love in the Afternoon