Movie Theme of the Week!


What happened to this?!! (by the way, thanks to the corrupted president for the info of the post) It wasn't an idea that was unpopular or anything like that, you guys did play this for a long time and a lot of post apparently. It did end a while ago, so it's not like you MoFos are still sick of this game are you? I remember I tried to make something similar on the Offical Animal's Day (don't ask how did it went ) My point is, would you pleaaaase continue this game? someone? since the time you ended it, a lot of new users, myself included, have joined and haven't play this game. Pleaaaaseee!! (I'm talking to you Fate)

Well Tat... seeing as you bumped the thread:

It's Tat's turn then to pick a theme.

Go on then... think of a theme for people to use... could be anything you want, but I'd say keep it movie related.
Like, Slasher characters like Jason, Freddy etc... or Anime characters... maybe movie company logos...

Whatever you want.

Well Tat... seeing as you bumped the thread:

It's Tat's turn then to pick a theme.

Go on then... think of a theme for people to use... could be anything you want, but I'd say keep it movie related.
Like, Slasher characters like Jason, Freddy etc... or Anime characters... maybe movie company logos...

Whatever you want.
Ow OW OWWWW, it's so much my hands right now!!!! Let's see..

Let's start with Toy Story!!

Like the rules says (I believe) quotes, avatars, and titles about the movie, gogogo.

I will take advantage of the high rate of people there is right now, and a nice opportunity to drop off my "I'm not SC" trolling avatar

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
This doesn't seem to be working out too much for you, buddy. I can't believe I started this game 8 freakin' years ago. Post number two says it all. If you notice, most of the member's listed, aren't even here anymore.

Try picking a theme that works the movie mind just a bit. Something that was used several years ago . . .

Themes Used !

Killer Creatures
Star Trek
The Muppets
80's Sci-fi
Zombie Movies
Obscure Cult Movies
Sylvester Stallone
Horror Films
All Things Tarantino
Anything Coen Brothers
Mel Brooks Movies
The Simpsons
Movie Monsters
Anything Bogie
Noir Femme Fatales
Drew Barrymore
Animated Movies
VietNam War Movies!
Anything J J Abrams
Steven Spielberg, The Director
British Films
Vegas Week!
Angels and Demons
Anything Kevin Costner
Surreal Movies
Alfred Hitchcock Films
Music Movies
James Bond
Time Travel Movies
Your Number One Movie
Favorite Movie Vehicles
Queen & Flash Gordon (1980)
Movie Robots
Who Are You?
Anything Charlie's Angels

Then again, they could just be a crowd that's too into their own avatar.

Thanks! this is more general maybe someone will play now, I'll borrow it from the past generation then:

Animated Movies

And I'll just stay the same

I love your Toy Story avatar. I love the Toy Story aliens. I even have a working toy crane machine filled with little figures of the aliens.

I'll play. I'll use my Wall-E avatar.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Sounds fun, I'm in. And I stay with my current avatar and byline, as they both qualify and I said I'd keep it until both the animation HoF and Sci-Fi top 100 was over
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Right, this feels ok. Took a image from an anime called Outlaw star that I really like. Joss Whedon have been called out for plagirizing it when he created Firefly, as the shows share a basic story in that a band of misfits and outlaws travel the universe in a very special type of spaceship, looking for their next payday, trying to keep themselves afloat. Whedon has allways claimed he'd never heard of the anime before it was brought to his attention by the accusations. Personally, I chalk it up to coincidence, or perhaps great minds think alike.

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Btw, do you save all your old avatars, or is that just me? I've built up something of a little library with pics that I've used, along with some stuff I might try out in the future.

I wonder if you ask me because I change my avatar a lot. I have this folder with A LOT of random pictures and a lot of them are my old avatars, sometimes I like to use one of the olders for a day since they were/are really cool. I remember when I wanted to use folders of avatar and change them every day and rotate with each other, the last one was the Eyes, that I end up making a gif with all of them . It's fun to see old pictures because sometimes you don't remember, and also because they hardly ever take a lot of space