Name the Actress


Here is a hard one. All you see is her legs.

Yes. So why did you post it when everyone else posts the face? Nice legs but I am not wasting time guessing who belongs to them.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Yes. So why did you post it when everyone else posts the face? Nice legs but I am not wasting time guessing who belongs to them.
Actually, I dont mind guessing.

Aha! I knew id seen her before. She was in Columbo!
LOL. That was the only reason I guessed who it was. My wife has all the Columbo's on DVD and we just watched that episode the other day.

BTW not Catherine Zeta-Jones sister.

Someone said:"So why did you post it when everyone else posts the face?"

Sorry but I was just trying to make the guessing a little harder.

Good guess but not Megan Fox.

Got to get some sleep. When I check tomorrow if no one guesses I will give a good hint to help.

I was commenting on the photo above that one...didn't see an answer to it posted anywhere, but you guys always seem to have three of four photos going at once making this game totally confusing.