Movie Tab II


July Watches: * = Rewatch

Ghostbusters (Ivan Reitman, 1984)

North By Northwest* (Alfred Hitchcock, 1959)
The Raid (Gareth Evans, 2011)

A Bittersweet Life (Kim Jee-woon, 2005)
The Earrings of Madame de… (Max Ophuls, 1953)

Song To Song (Terence Malick, 2017)

Junun (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2015)
Virunga (Orlando von Einsiedel, 2014)

Certified Copy (Abbas Kiarostami, 2010)
The Conjuring (James Wan, 2013)

The Proposition (John Hilcoat, 2005)

My Cousin Vinny* (Jonathan Lynn, 1992)
Marley & Me (Dave Frankel, 2008)

The Informant (Steven Soderbergh, 2009)
The Revenant (Alejandro González Iñárritu, 2015)

Underworld (Josef Von Sternberg, 1927)

Grand Illusion (Jean Renoir, 1937)
Mission Impossible* (Brian De Palma, 1996)

The Blue Angel (Josef Von Sternberg, 1930)
Mission Impossible II* (John Woo, 2000)
Make Way For Tomorrow (Leo McCarey, 1937)
Woman of Tokyo (Yasujiro Ozu, 1933)

Spider-Man: Homecoming (Jon Watts, 2017)

Mission Impossible III* (J.J.Abrams, 2006)
The Thin Man (W.S. Van Dyke, 1934)
Bus 174 (José Padilha, Felipe Lacerda, 2002)

The Sea Wolf (Micharl Curtiz, 1941)
I Remember Mama (George Stevens, 1948)
Mr Lucky (H.C.Potter, 1943)

Body and Soul (Robert Rossen, 1947)
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone, 2016)

Caché (Michael Haneke, 2005)
Ride The Pink Horse (Robert Montgomery, 1947)

The Last House on the Left (Wes Craven, 1972)

Ninotchka (Ernst Lubitsch, 1939)

Taste of Cherry (Abbas Kiarostami, 1997)
All Quiet On The Western Front (Lewis Milestone, 1930)

Where Is The Friends House? (Abbas Kiarostami, 1987)

Prince of Darkness (John Carpenter, 1987)

Dead Silence (James Wan, 2007)
The Hurricane (John Ford, 1937)

2017 Watches - 156

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

Zombie Shark aka Shark Island (Misty Talley, 2015)

Maytime (Robert Z. Leonard, 1937)

Sharktopus (Declan O’Brien, 2010)

Frenzy (Alfred Hitchcock, 1972)

The necktie murderer is terrorizing London, and unemployed barman Jon Finch, his ex-wife Barbara Leigh-Hunt, his current girlfriend Anna Massey and his friend Barry Foster are all involved.
Dam Sharks (Kondelik Bros., 2015)
From Greece (Peter Nestler, 1965)
Atomic Shark (A.B. Stone, 2016)

The Talk of the Town (George Stevens, 1942)

School teacher Jean Arthur referees between two men who look at law from opposite sides – escapee (Cary Grant) from a murder trial and stodgy legal scholar Ronald Colman.
Slaughter’s Big Rip-Off (Gordon Douglas, 1973)
Modern Tokyo (James A. FitzPatrick, 1935)

Lovesong (So Yong Kim, 2017)

The Age of Innocence (Martin Scorsese, 1993)

In stuffy 19th-century New York high society, heiress Michelle Pfeiffer and lawyer Daniel Day-Lewis fall in love, but he’s engaged to her cousin Winona Ryder.
Description of a Struggle (Chris Marker, 1960)

Floral Japan (James A. FitzPatrick, 1937)

Lake Placid: The Final Chapter (Don Michael Paul, 2012)

Tokyo Chorus (Yasujirô Ozu, 1931)

Goof-off Tokihiko Okada irritates his coach Groucho Marx (actually it’s Tatsuo Saito), but irony leads the two to meet up again later in life.
Mega Shark vs. Kolossus (Christopher Douglas-Olen Ray, 2015)

Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus (Ace Hannah [Jack Perez], 2009)

Malibu Shark Attack (David Lister, 2009)

Sweaty Betty (Joseph Frank & Zachary Reed, 2015)

In the Washington, D.C. suburbs, Floyd tries to get his beloved 1,000 lb. pet pig Miss Charlotte famous enough to be a Redskins [football team] mascot. Nearby, Scooby and Rico, two single fathers, try to take care of their kids and a new dog.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Movies seen in July. (Ranked mostly accurately)

Children of Men: 10/10
Eraserhead: 8.5/10
Barry Lyndon: 8/10
Argo: 8/10
Mary Poppins: 8/10
Man Who Knew Too Much: 8/10
Mystic River: 8/10
Baby Driver: 8/10
Sexy Beast: 8/10
Akira: 8/10
Love Story: 8/10
Exit Through the Gift Shop: 8/10
12 Years A Slave: 8/10
Fox and the Hound: 8/10
Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas: 8/10
Man Bites Dog: 8/10
Intolerance: 8/10
Spider-man: Homecoming: 8/10
Pumping Iron: 8/10
Pale Rider: 8/10
Judgement at Nuremberg: 8/10
Blackfish: 8/10
Religulous: 8/10
Breakfast at Tiffany's: 7.5/10
Rebel without a cause: 7.5/10
Dunkirk: 7.5/10
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: 7.5/10
Come and See: 7.5/10
Great Escape (RE-WATCH): 7/10
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof: 7/10
Rio Bravo: 7/10
Mildred Pierce: 7/10
How Green Was My Valley: 6.5/10
The Cabinet of Dr Caligari: 6.5/10

July, 2017 movies watched-

Stage Fright (1987)
- Below average slasher.

Ride the Pink Horse (1947)
Unique noir that has a chance to make my 40's list.

The Wizard of Lies (2017)
They're lucky they got De Niro to star.

Mr. Lucky (1943)
- Cary Grant and a strong ending made the movie for me.

Logan (2017)
+ My first superhero film in a couple years did not disappoint.

Day of Wrath (1943)
(Watched twice) I had to watch it twice to fully get into it. Slow, but chilling.

The Dark Corner (1946)
Solid noir but not especially riveting or exciting.

The Glass Key (1942)
Alan Ladd highlights a strong showing from the cast in an entertaining noir.

The Quiet Duel (1949)
+ Kurosawa and Mifune come through again.

Meet John Doe (1941)
A well executed plot, but I enjoyed it for Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck.

Adam's Rib (1949)
- I liked this quite a bit despite my general dislike for old comedies and Katharine Hepburn.

Get Out (2017)
+ Too bad it couldn't stay on a more realistic course somehow.

Duel in the Sun (1946)
I enjoyed it but it never comes close to reaching it's goal.

Hot Fuzz (2007)
Alternates between funny, amusing, and silly.

Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949)
Every bit as good as advertised.

Force of Evil (1948)
The 2nd 40's movie I've loved from the combo of actor John Garfield and Abraham Polonsky.

The Last Chance (1945)
Cannes' winner that's probably better than I'm rating it. My viewing suffered due to a shabby print.

The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943)
A movie with a ton going for it including a spectacular story and 3 great performances.

Elite Squad (2007)
+ No City of God but still pretty awesome.

Passport to Pimlico (1949)
Amusing enough, but certainly best if you like British comedy of that era.

The Reckless Moment (1949)
+ Excellent noir from director Max Ophuls.

Johnny Belinda (1948)
+ Great performances, story, and setting.

Pitfall (1948)
From the noirs list, Johnny has a nice family and a good job, but he jeopardizes everything for one damn dame.

The Paleface (1948)
- Surprisingly entertaining thanks to a very funny Bob Hope.

The Quiet Earth (1985)
Very surprised how much I liked this post apocalyptic Sci-Fi.

Sleepaway Camp II (1988)
As a fan of the first, this was a massive disappointment.

Kiss of Death (1947)
+ Slightly disappointing despite some great qualities.

Bicycle Thieves (1948)
Pretty brilliant except for a short span in the second half.

Dead Reckoning (1947)
- Pretty good Bogie noir.

The Pride of the Yankees (1942)
+ I think it's an awfully sad story to be on the top 100 cheers list. It's still pretty awesome.

The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail (1945)
+ Nothing special, but a good watch with signs of what's to come from director Kurosawa.

Office Christmas Party (2016)
- Nothing special but it's my kind of comedy and I had fun watching it.

Black Narcissus (1947)
+ I think better than what I was able to get out of it on this viewing.

I Walk Alone (1947)
From the noirs list, and a little above average thanks to the cast.

The Maltese Falcon (1941) Repeat viewing
Very entertaining with great performances from Bogart and Lorre.

Children of Paradise (1945)
If I were to make a list of the 25 best films I've seen, this may be on it.

White Heat (1949)
One of the greatest gangster films featuring one of it's greatest characters played by James Cagney.

All the King's Men (1948)
Very solid best picture winner.

Random Harvest (1942)
+ Very moving story of love and amnesia.

Twelve O'Clock High (1949)
A war film that offers up a little bit of a different angle.

Total July viewings-40
Total 2017 viewings-204

The 40's have surprised me. It's not like I've found more new favorites than I have from other decades, but the movies seem to be more consistent in their quality. Of course, I pick what I watch from other MoFo lists, MoFo recommendations, and other highly rated movies. Still, I saw a lot more duds from all the other decades.

Welcome to the human race...
I count 66 movies that I've seen in July (out of 352 for the year so far). I guess that's something.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I'll try this too then...

JULY WATCHES // *rewatches

Moana 2016 -
beautiful animation, but generic and empty story

Dunkirk 2017 -
barebone Nolan, but in danger of being a little bland. General excitement throughout, but the last 20 minutes gave it that extra push.

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter 2016 -
- straightforward, B-movie action fun. Nothing more, but for the series this was one of the better attempts.

Heartstone 2016 -
- raw, honest and very inner emotional struggle of sexuality on the wide open lands of Island.

The Man Who Wasn't There 2001 -
good little noir mystery with the classic Coen atmosphere. This will grow on me I think, as with most Coens...

Straight Outta Compton* 2015 -
excellent biography drama with one of the best structures I've seen. 2h 47m has never went by faster. Excellent production.

Jackass 3D* 2010 -
- these movies are good dumb fun. The third shows signs of them being too old and too famous to be as spontaneous and wild as they used to, but good end to the series...

Jackass Number Two* 2006 -
+ the best of the bunch. The craziest and most packed Jackass film. Best dumb fun there is...

Final Destination 3* 2006 -
the camera twist is new, but these movies feels tired and worn out here, trying to up the deaths and tempo but fails to be as exciting and new as they once were...

There Will Be Blood* 2007 -
PTA... probably my favorite director of all time, yet his "masterpiece" is still not clicking with me on a 3rd-4th watch. The movie is too polished and too perfect for me. I prefer his more jumbled and original movies...

War for the Planet of the Apes 2017 -
+ I'm not sure how to rate this, but I liked it, mostly for the visuals, but the story felt a little forced and empty compared to Dawn...

A Serious Man 2009 -
+ least fav Coen so far, I think... seems very personal and subjective and hard to click with for me. Liked the opening and closing though...

Steve Jobs 2015 -
well made, but the structure puts the film in a tough spot. An excellent, though probably not all that successful, experiment in film.

Final Destination 2* 2003 -
- liked this quite a lot this time, good tempo and excitement.

Baby Driver* 2017 -
+ even on a rewatch this was a blast! That energy and fun is hardly matched. What a cinematic experience to be had!

109 watches so far for the year 2017...

Welcome to the human race...
I should probably try going back to adding one-liners to these posts. Might be more interesting that way even if it does break up the aesthetically pleasing red-'n'-blue format I've got going.

Welcome to the human race...
Because I wrote about 800 full reviews in the past two-and-a-half years so I think I've earned a bit of a respite from that.

Oh, I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just saying that just leaving a rating next to a list of movies is kind of boring. I like to see people's thoughts, personally. It invites conversation better.

A system of cells interlinked
Breakfast at Tiffany's

Edwards, 1961

A couple of cringe-worthy scenes with the upstairs neighbor, but still fun after all these years. Hepburn is great as Holly Golightly.

Shadow of a Doubt

Hitchcock, 1943

One of my favorite Hitchcock flicks, hands down. I love everything about this film. Great cast! A must see for any fan of Hitchcock.
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

Welcome to the human race...
I didn't take it as an attack, just explaining. In 2015 I set myself a challenge of reviewing every movie I watched while also trying to watch one a day for the whole year, but the pace slowed quite a bit once 2016 started and at the start of 2017 I just decided that I couldn't (or wouldn't?) maintain that same amount of effort for multiple reasons so I've just been documenting them ten at a time while also doing the odd review. We'll see if my next post throws in comments.

OK good, because at the most I may bust chops lightly. 800 reviews is a lot. Good to keep those writing chops up.

EDIT: I said chops twice, both in a different context - meaning two different things.

If I had said pork chops, it would've been insane!

I count 66 movies that I've seen in July (out of 352 for the year so far). I guess that's something.
I saw 316 films in 2015. The most movies I think I ever saw in a year... and half-way through this year, you've already beaten me. Damn.

Because I wrote about 800 full reviews in the past two-and-a-half years so I think I've earned a bit of a respite from that.
And here I am... still trying to finish up my reviews for 2015...

That's a lot of films Cricket!!!
I watched one more

That'll be the most i watch in a month this year though no doubt.

GREAT watches, @Yam12 !

You gonna finish up that Mission Impossible watch-through, @Camo ?
Definitely, i was enjoying them and 4 & 5 are the only ones i've never seen so it'd be weird to stop there. Ended up restarting the 40's HOF and was watching 30's films and stuff so i stalled on them, will watch both some time this month.

Also i can finally read the longest review on the site

Definitely, i was enjoying them and 4 & 5 are the only ones i've never seen so it'd be weird to stop there. Ended up restarting the 40's HOF and was watching 30's films and stuff so i stalled on them, will watch both some time this month.

Also i can finally read the longest review on the site
Hahah. For some odd reasons it took me a few seconds to get that I think it was the fact that you began talking about the 40's HOF and stuff and I totally forgot in the meantime of, like, 5 seconds.

But yes indeed you can, though I never actually spoil stuff in my reviews, unless I write "spoilers". Not even the longer ones. I try to write them so the ones that have seen the film will know what I'm talking about and the ones who haven't won't know too much. BUT it's always more fun to read a review once you've actually seen the film.

But cool, man! I just bought the Blu-ray box set and I really enjoy the franchise. Awesome to hear 4 and 5 will be new to you. Won't say much yet then.