Things that annoy you...


Ladies from my church who constantly suggest lunching together, but can't get it organized. They have driven me nuts this year & we still haven't lunched. I'm about to ask them if we can just be church friends.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I've posted this before perhaps, but people who don't reply to emails drive me nuts. Especially those who say their in-box is swamped & they don't have time to reply. Like their time is soooooooo much more precious than my time.

What, pratel annoys you about wifi?
i heard is unsafe, so many electromagnetism everywhere

Alt-right people annoy me. Ignorance is something I just find intolerable, especially in today's world. It's so much easier to love than to hate, and yet these groups of people find enjoyment in it. It irritates me to no end.

Oh, and people clearing their throats annoys me.
A man's got to know his limitations.

You've got red on you!
Commercials! I don't know what it is, but I'm surprised I don't wear out the 'mute' button on my remote. They are usually lame, and sometimes louder than the actual show I'm watching. I love my DVR, so I can ff and leave those commercials in the dust!

Local post office has gone to pieces with our winter weather in Connecticut. No Netflix DVDs this week, my New Yorker magazine is MIA, and they have had one of my prescriptions at the main office since January 2. Mail truck was on my street today, but I’ve had no mail since Wednesday. And to call them is for the birds since it can ring a million times & they don’t pick up. Flippin’ annoying.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Local post office has gone to pieces with our winter weather in Connecticut. No Netflix DVDs this week, my New Yorker magazine is MIA, and they have had one of my prescriptions at the main office since January 2. Mail truck was on my street today, but I’ve had no mail since Wednesday. And to call them is for the birds since it can ring a million times & they don’t pick up. Flippin’ annoying.
Higher taxes to hire more postal workers during the Christmas holiday that's annoying

Ok, I got my sorta girlfriend to make her hair like hers, but no need to fight, to each there own
cool, ever need a film rec hit me up. And welcome to the forums

Rock music and action movie obsessed guy,
cool, ever need a film rec hit me up. And welcome to the forums
Thanks your pretty cool, maybe I'll message you, ask a couple questions.