Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Baby Driver (did not finish)

Up to the armored truck heist it had a lot of really good things going for it, after that I lost complete interest for some reason or another. I wager the tonal shift just grinded my gears a bit too much.
Amen, I struggled to finish it, it was that bad.

Welcome to the human race...
Night of the Living Dead (1990) -

Pretty useless, but it earns at least a popcorn for making Barbara a badass.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Sooooooooooo glad that somebody agrees with me on this.

The Martian has to be one of the most overrated movies of the last 5 years.

As much as I think Interstellar is overrated as well, Interstellar blows away The Martian.
You can count on me
Interstellar is so much better.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
I, Daniel Blake - 8/10

Re-watch... but this time, in a local theater!
Thanks God it is dark in theaters, because I was sobbing, watching I, Daniel Blake.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
During that food bank scene, somebody was chopping a shedload of onions right behind me.
God, I love to eat and scenes with food activate my hunger, but this scene wasn't one of them.
I was busy with sobbing.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
I don't know if that's a joke or not.
First part is a little joke. The second is serious. I mean, who would even think about eating, during watching that scene? It was shocking.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Deepwater Horizon
Director: Peter Berg

Remind me to never watch another Peter Berg directed movie!

Damned if this wasn't the exact same structure as Patriots Day: I laughed when once again I seen Mark Wahlberg waking up with the wife in the 'quiet family life before the big event' opening scene. Same happy-dappy family stuff with mindless fluff talk. Filler material.

Then when we finally get to the big oil rig there's more filler...with on the job, derp dialogue, that was spoken so fast and with such fast edits and crappy hand held camera work that I got nothing out of it, other than the oil well wasn't right. The only interesting part was the story of noodling for giant catfish.

Then after 47 minutes into the film we finally get to the action....I thought this is where the film gets good! Ha, the most boring action scenes I've seen, sure the fireballs were big, but true action comes from narrative, not CG...and thanks to the director's ADD style of video game editing, we don't have time to care about the workers on the oil platform.

Then ugh, the director does the same thing in Patriots Day, he ends his film with clips of the real people telling their heart warming stories, talk about manipulating the audience, oh and it's more filler material.

What a crappy, crappy style of film making.

Baby Driver (did not finish)

Up to the armored truck heist it had a lot of really good things going for it, after that I lost complete interest for some reason or another. I wager the tonal shift just grinded my gears a bit too much.
Yup, we're on the same bowling team here.

“I was cured, all right!”

This was awful!! Incredibly boring.

Don't waste your time with this!
NEVER!!!! Damn! It does not deserve to be part of the franchise.
There's absolutly nothing good in this film.
I was bore with the violence, can you imagine how bad the violence needs to be bad for me to be bored? ahaha
Yes, that bad! Sometimes a horror film is bad but you can laugh with all the crap, it's not the case of this one!

And I'm being generous!

Am i too generous for gave baby driver 3 out 5? But yeah it one of quiet disappointment this year so far

“I was cured, all right!”
Am i too generous for gave baby driver 3 out 5? But yeah it one of quiet disappointment this year so far
Of course it depends on how you feel about the movie, personally I wanted to beat the protagonist to death or tear the bastard's teeth one by one! In the middle of the movie I was like Choi Min-sik at the beginning of Oldboy, except that I wasn't drunk.

Snuff 102 (2007)

This is an extreme film out of Argentina. It's not a good movie as we would normally think of one, but it is effective for what it's supposed to be. It's sick with good effects to go along with the right music and lighting.

wonderful film, just as good as I remember. 4/5

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Oxbow Incident (1943)
++ A powerful western with a poignant ending. An excellent cast with Henry Fonda, Harry Morgan and Dana Andrews and some great extras including Jane Darwell (best known as the ma in Grapes of Wrath), Anthony Quinn, and Harry Davenport and others.
A truly d@mn fine Western.