The Eternal Jew
I don't even know what to say... This is a fascinating movie, but in the most horrible, terrifying sense. The movie reaches very far to try and convince you how the jews are ruining society, for example claiming that people in ghettos are just rich people in disguise, and one particularly manipulative moment is one where the camera pans across several smiling children trying to make them look evil. But all I can see are a couple of innocent smiling children. It gets worse and worse, and you have a strong stomach if you're not at least a little bit sickened when the movie talks about jews like a plague; nothing more than an epidemic rat.
To a sane mind this is of course only emotional and factual distortion to try and demean a group of people, but for those who are already far down deep to believe literally anything that they are told, it's a scarily effective propaganda piece. Unlike The Red Menace, which was hilarious in its unsublety, there is nothing really all that funny this time. The times I let out a shocked chuckle, it was of disbelief and deep sadness. The narrator sounds absolutely deadly serious, you can tell he think he's doing a great cause, a means of "improving" lives for Aryans. And the scariest thing is, it's not even presented as poorly as you'd think. For example, I do think that the process of Kosher slaughtering is cruel and unsound. But you have to remember they are taking real-life footage, only twisting the context and meaning of it to suit their own agenda.
This is a very important documentary, for the reason that it gives you a very good idea of what people were being told to believe, and just how much conviction was put into forcing upon these hateful ideals.
Unpleasant to watch, but if you're interested in history and wonder how such evil in the world is possible, by all means... good luck.
On a thematic level, this is an obvious 1. But from a historical perspective, and how fascinated I was (even if was because I couldn't believe what I was hearing), it's a 2. This is one of the most frightening movies ever made, even the posters are enough to send a chill down my spine.