Brawl in Cell Block 99


And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide
What a staggering performance from Vince Vaughn, and what an unflinchingly brutal film. While I still prefer the vastly underrated Bone Tomahawk, this work nevertheless still cements Craig Zahler as one of America's most interesting and unique upcoming voices. Like Zaheler's previous work, this film never aims to be anything more than what it is - an entertaining, violent and occasionally comedic slice of restrained yet occasionally exploitive cinema.

Do watch this if you can.

I already have it on my watchlist after someone recently gave it a glowing write up, I think Des. I loved Bone Tomahawk so I'm looking forward to it.

Was interesting in this sort of role for the movie as he's mostly in the comedy zone. He portays his character in this film brilliantly espically in the last 20 minutes of the film. That bold head of his just makes him like a badass looking like he's recreating the American History X with the colored dudes come and break into his house and the boom it all kicks off.

Matteo, I just watched this movie last night, and you couldn't be more right.

What an electrifying performance from Vince Vaughn! The best of his career! A brutal, unrelenting masterclass of violence, yet so much more. The script was air tight, and the dialogue was first class... great great movie.

This film instantly makes me a fan of Zahler's work. I plan on watching Bone Tomahawk this week.

I watched this film 'cause I liked Bone Tomahawk! And man... what a great film. This was the biggest surprise of 2017 so far! I was thinking before watch: "Ok, this will be a shaky cam festival (Vince Vaughn can't fight, right?) but I'll give it a chance, for the director!" What a surprise. The film really take its time before start the action/violence! One of 2017 best imo!

And the action scenes ROCKS!
Very fluid with good camera work!!
"This Would Sharpen You Up And Make You Ready For A Bit Of The Old Ultra-Violence."

I actually re-watched it again at work yesterday (sshhhhh lol).

SUCH a great movie! Who woulda ever thought that Vince Vaughn of all actors could play one of the best bad asses in recent memory?

blown away by this incredible movie, Vaugh gives the performance of his lifetime, outstanding.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I thought it was pretty damn good. Infact I didnt even recognise Vince.

Best film I have seen this year.. if Liam Neeson was taken, Vince Vaughn would find him and carry him to safety and if Jack Reacher tried to get in the way, Vaughn would punch Reacher's head separating it from his neck. Incredible.