Finally got around to seeing this. Thought it was very good but fizzled down the stretch and then just ended suddenly and inexplicably. But what Im curious about is that people who saw this when it came out, did it have a different feel to it when you had no idea who Aleska Palladino or Scarlett Johansson were? Because they were, of course, unknown kids when they did this movie and went on to big time status as adults (especially Johannson). Theres no way to watch it now without that fact effecting the way you see the movie. Anybody out there actually see this back in the 90's and thought of it differently? And if not what do people think of it now? And why is it so hard to track down? This has "classic" reissue written all over it. Especially considering Johannson as a selling point.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...