For a piece of coursework at school I need to do some primary research into a question of my choice, I have chosen to do an auteur study on Wes Anderson and in particular "Is Wes Anderson’s particular style of use of colour, framing and character building integral to audience experience?" My main focus is on The Grand Budapest hotel, The Royal Tenembaums and Rushmore but any input would be appreciated.
Help! Opinion on Wes Anderson films
How much does Wes Andersons style effect your viewing experience?
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Does anyone do their own homework anymore?
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.
Favorite Movies
If you must pick three Wes Anderson films you should either stick to one generation of films (Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, Royal Tennenbaums) or pick three from different time periods (Bottle Rocket, Fantastic Mr Fox, Moonrise Kingdom).
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Hi there. Welcome to Movie Forums.
So, fair warning: we got a lot of homework requests like this, and most of the people here aren't nuts about them. If you want to mitigate that, and increase your chances of getting meaningful responses, it helps a lot to actually start and shepherd a discussion along. If you just post the question and ask people to answer it, people don't respond as well to that, since it feels like you're just the middleman for the work.
So, fair warning: we got a lot of homework requests like this, and most of the people here aren't nuts about them. If you want to mitigate that, and increase your chances of getting meaningful responses, it helps a lot to actually start and shepherd a discussion along. If you just post the question and ask people to answer it, people don't respond as well to that, since it feels like you're just the middleman for the work.