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This might just do nobody any good.
I’m kind of curious about that one. The general premise sounds fun.


I’m kind of curious about that one. The general premise sounds fun.


I'm curious to see you write a review of it.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
O.J.: Made in America

Weird is relative.
A Hometown in My Heart (1949)

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The Human Bullet (1968)

Nikudo looks interesting. I'd like to see a film on WWII from the japanese perspective. And I need to rewatch Badlands. Havent seen it for years.

The Human Bullet (1968)

Nikudo looks interesting. I'd like to see a film on WWII from the japanese perspective. And I need to rewatch Badlands. Havent seen it for years.
i usually tend for antiwar/satire and nikudan sound like straight on my alley

I'm about to watch Doctor Strange. Out of all of the MCU films, this is the one I've had least interest in overall (that and maybe Captain America: The First Avenger). Maybe it's because I've never found the character that interesting or unique to get into. He's always just been "there" if you think about it.

But either way, I want to see all the MCU films before Infinity War, and I only have four left (Incredible Hulk, Captain America 1 & 2, Doctor Strange).

Weird is relative.
Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East? (1989)

Not a movie but FYI Clint Eastwood will be on Jimmy Kimmel tonite- could be interesting ......

My oh my does Clint look dapper. He s close to ninety and is as lean and fit looking as a mountaineer. He s directing a new film about the three heroes in France who tackled and disarmed a would be shooter - starring the very men who did it. An original bit of casting by Clint.
I truly think that creative talent is one gift that becomes purer and more gleaming over time.

And I m not really into 88 year old libertarians, but hey, if I was 86 and met Clint at the senior citizens center ball, I think I d give him a whirl around the dance floor. 😛

I am planing to watch Thor 2017 coming weekend.