MoFo Fantasy Movie Studio League


While I was looking at some of the oldest posts in this forum, I came across something that was a fantasy game where people would buy movies and earn money based on how well those movies performed at the box office. I really liked the idea of it, so I wanted to organize it.
My idea is that everybody who wants to join can create a Movie Studio (You can choose a name and everything) and everyone gets an initial amount of money. Then every week the movies that are to be released will be up for auction and everybody can bid on them. The person who bids the most gets the movie. After the weekend everybody will get the amount of money their movies made at the weekend box office added to the money they still had. This money could then be used again for next week's auction.

I first wanted to know if anybody would be interested at all in doing this and if people are we could decide on the rules and I could host this! It sounds like a lot of fun to me, I hope it does to some of you too

I'll start if there are at least five people interested in playing!


Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
You have a member if you can get it going. I love the idea of stuff like this but it gets hard to coordinate. Good luck though, and I would definitely play.

There's something similar to this called Fantasy Movie League.
I know about that, but that doesn't seem really fun to me because everything is based on analysis due to the fixed prices, instead of just predicting how much money a film will make and bidding based on that. It's also different because you can pick movies multiple times there and everybody can choose from all movies. My idea was that every movie can be owned by one person's movie studio only

"Luck don't live out here."
I definitely think that this could be pretty sweet. I'd be down to play.

I think it'd also be cool to hold special auctions for movies that may not be coming out for a while, but are being shown at film festivals (like the films that are being showing at SXSW right now). I have a few other ideas on how to make it more advanced, just lemme know if you want to hear them.