I saw a movie that was most likely made between 2000-2012, there is a peeping tom black sheep who is either a juvenile or a grown child who watches the female lead when she is having sex with someone, she might be an architect or something but she is staying at the house or visiting for long periods of time, the pervert ends up being a violent sociopath who captures and tortures people in secret parts of the house and gets pissed off that the woman is not having a relationship with him, there is also something peculiar about the home's design which I cannot precisely recollect.
Repugnant Architecture Peeping Black Sheep Pervert movie
→ in Movie Questions
The Collector (2009) comes to mind, but that's probably not it.
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."
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The Collector (2009) comes to mind, but that's probably not it.
I hope you find it, because you win the award for Most Descriptive Thread Title. Bravo!
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Wow what a fluke, knowing that "Repugnant Architecture Peeping Black Sheep Pervert movie" is a task Google is unequal to, I decided to be a reductionist and did "Horror Movie Architect" and the top entry was for Walled In (2009) as IMDB listing, the Wikipedia entry for the film all but sold me that this was it (it is); apparently I was doing it all wrong in always taking the Pervert route to find it, theres probably some kind of moral here, if you're into that.