Your Most Controversial Film Opinions?


I suppose it's because it concentrates a lot more on action than on horror. Maybe you would include it in your top action movie list?

We did an Action Movies Countdown a while back, and it didn't make my list because I didn't think of it as an action movie.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Another controversial opinion is that I find myself keep getting drawn back to The Last House on the Left (1972). It is definitely in a different and perhaps better league than most horror movies are.

I also didn't like A Clockwork Orange. I know it's such a beloved classic but I probably would say it's the most overrated movie for me, since people rank it so high, as far as movies I didn't see what all the hype about goes.

Another controversial opinion is that I find myself keep getting drawn back to The Last House on the Left (1972). It is definitely in a different and perhaps better league than most horror movies are.

I also didn't like A Clockwork Orange. I know it's such a beloved classic but I probably would say it's the most overrated movie for me, since people rank it so high, as far as movies I didn't see what all the hype about goes.

I hated A Clockwork Orange.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I also didn't think Blade Runner is the masterpiece that people make it out to be. It's still decent and perhaps a good sci-fi movie, just not necessarily great.

I also didn't like Gladiator that much either and found it to be quite predictable.

I don't actually wear pants.
I also didn't like A Clockwork Orange. I know it's such a beloved classic but I probably would say it's the most overrated movie for me, since people rank it so high, as far as movies I didn't see what all the hype about goes.
Oh, I hate that movie. It's a typical Kubrick film; garbage.
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!

I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well I like all the other Kubrick movies I've seen, accept for that one.

Welcome to the human race...
Prometheus and Alien: Covenant are worthy additions to the Alien franchise (the latter might be the best film Ridley's done since Thelma and Louise) and I actively look forward to a third installment in this prequel trilogy.

Holy Grail is the only genuinely great Monty Python movie - Life of Brian may have more intellectual and cinematic ambition but that just means it falls shorter of what it tries to accomplish..

The World's End is my favourite Cornetto.

Gangs of New York is my favourite Scorsese/DiCaprio collaboration.

Paul W.S. Anderson is a solid B-movie filmmaker.

Vampires might be my least favourite John Carpenter movie, or at least one of the main contenders.

I prefer the second Mission: Impossible to the third.

I consider Drive one of those movies that becomes a lot less impressive once you see the stuff that inspired it like The Driver or Thief.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

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I'm an hour into "Once Upon a Time in America" and I don't think I can watch anymore.. And being that I'm here tells me I might as well turn it off. If I liked it, I wouldn't be on here, but I saw high ratings (but just saw many "art-house" people give it a 1/10, too).. I saw Leone's Trilogy when I was 17, but saw "A Fistful of Dollars" and didn't like that, and don't remember liking "Once..... West" even though I like Fonda very much, but for different reasons from this movie. This screenplay is garbage so far, it's not moving, and it isn't reflecting, either.

"The Quiet Man" is boring fiddle-de-dee rubbish, maybe not unpopular amongst MOFOs but in my family I have just spoken heresy.

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"The Quiet Man" is boring fiddle-de-dee rubbish, maybe not unpopular amongst MOFOs but in my family I have just spoken heresy.
Mort Sahl just said that was his favorite movie on his show 2 nights ago... I like it, but I don't remember loving it - but I remember the disc was skipping a lot over that 4th of July weekend 5 years ago. I do remember wishing there were subtitles in the beginning. I tend to not love those really over-exuberant movies.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
If we are going characters: Tiffany in breakfast at Tiffany’s is bat sht crazy and a fluzey. She will leave that writter. Give their relationship 3 months tops.

Mort Sahl just said that was his favorite movie on his show 2 nights ago... I like it, but I don't remember loving it - but I remember the disc was skipping a lot over that 4th of July weekend 5 years ago. I do remember wishing there were subtitles in the beginning. I tend to not love those really over-exuberant movies.
I have not inured to it over the years. I only just noticed John Ford directed it. No surprise though, not a fan of his. Pure hollywood garbage.

My controversial film opinion: The kid on trial in 12 Angry Men was guilty as hell and should have got the electric chair.
Why's that, Rules? Because he was one of them? You, know... one of those people...

Look, you know how these people lie! It's born in them! I mean, what the heck? I don't have to tell you! They don't know what the truth is! And lemme tell ya: they don't need any real big reason to kill someone, either! No sir! They get drunk! Oh, they're real big drinkers, all of 'em - you know that - and bang: someone's lyin' in the gutter! Oh, nobody's blaming them for it. That's the way they are, by nature! You know what I mean? Violent!

Where're you going? Human life don't mean as much to them as it does to us! Look, they're lushing it up and fighting all the time and if somebody gets killed, so somebody gets killed! They don't care! Oh, sure, there are some good things about 'em, too! Look, I'm the first one to say that! I've known a couple who were OK, but that's the exception, y'know what I mean? Most of 'em, it's like they have no feelings! They can do anything!

The Black Hole was better than Star Wars.

Minnesota Fats was better than Fast Eddie Felson.

He could have had a better manger if he'd went with George C. Scott.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
My controversial film opinion: The kid on trial in 12 Angry Men was guilty as hell and should have got the electric chair.
Well if we are going by story controversial opinions, I thought that Meg Ryan's character in Courage Under Fire, shouldn't have received the medal of honor at the end perhaps.