Why did Lady GaGa get nominated for Academy Award best actress


In short: A Star Is Born garnered $407.1 million at the box office. Money = Campaigns. Campaigns = Awards. And she's garnered great raves for her performance (mainly by critics). Buzz really helps during Oscar Season. That's why she got nominated.
I totally agree.

One gotta be very naive to believe that Gaga was nominated because she was truly acclaimed as a good actress.

Let us be honest here - it's her first leading role and she gets a nomination? When she had only done cameos until ASIB? Doesn't that sound strange to you?

Of course the studios played a major role here by influencing the critics - 88 in Metacritic? really? - and the Academy. The masses btw say amen to whatever the critics say, but whoever has a little bit of sensibility will notice that Gaga's performance in ASIB is mediocre.

I think you missed the point of CBD's post Molly.
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Why did Lady GaGa get nominated for Academy Award best actress?

Because it will get millions of extra viewers to watch the Oscars, thanks to her celebritism.