One can't help noticing actions, plot devices or sayings which come up time and time again in movies or series these days. Whether the writers think they're so cool that they must be used, or whether they've simply become part of the lazy lexicon, it's hard to say.
Here are three that I've noticed:
Vomiting: I knew that contemporary society has lapsed into communal neurosis, but evidently we have become physically ill as well. In film we're lucky to have 30 minutes of screen time without someone upchucking.
I've got to take this: Every time there is a cell phone/android in a scene, you can be sure this line will follow. Is there never a time where they don't have to take this?
Maglite beams: Perhaps as a result of film makers raised on light sabers, hardly a film goes by without the use of the powerful flashlights spearing away in darkened scenes. Some times the action taking place at night doesn't even make sense, but for the desire to display the nifty Maglite. My personal favorite is when they could actually simply flip on the room light switch, but no, let's use these beams...
Certainly there are dozens of current chestnuts. What are your favorites?
Here are three that I've noticed:
Vomiting: I knew that contemporary society has lapsed into communal neurosis, but evidently we have become physically ill as well. In film we're lucky to have 30 minutes of screen time without someone upchucking.
I've got to take this: Every time there is a cell phone/android in a scene, you can be sure this line will follow. Is there never a time where they don't have to take this?
Maglite beams: Perhaps as a result of film makers raised on light sabers, hardly a film goes by without the use of the powerful flashlights spearing away in darkened scenes. Some times the action taking place at night doesn't even make sense, but for the desire to display the nifty Maglite. My personal favorite is when they could actually simply flip on the room light switch, but no, let's use these beams...
Certainly there are dozens of current chestnuts. What are your favorites?