Movies that should be remade.


Welcome to the human race...
Oh okay but when you say critical of the status quo, what would be the status quo nowadays though that they would have to be critically of? We're talking about a game show that kills people in a dystopian future, is that not do-able nowadays?
The status quo of authoritarian governments using the entertainment and media industries to keep the population complacent and/or obedient, which is taken to its logical extreme with the concept of the killer game show. It's less a question of whether it can be done and more a question of how well it can be done; MoreOrLess seems concerned that a large-scale Hollywood production looking to appeal to as wide an audience as possible would compromise any depth or distinction that the subject may offer (e.g. The Hunger Games abstracting the concept into a colourful PG-13 fantasy blockbuster franchise).

What I mean is the PG-13, made for SyFy Sharknado quality in both the blood mode OFF and character silliness. I want the violence to be absurdly over the top. Evil Dead it is not, but would have been an improvement on the original MK movie IMO. Less Van Dammes Street Fighter and more The Raid. When I typed cartoon, I meant that the movie felt very children-friendly relative to the weight of the game---at the time of their individual releases. Yeah, kids were playing the game, but parents had no idea the level of violence it provided in the original arcade cabinets. That was unheard of at the time, at least here in the states. The movie had none of that. It was fun, sure, but it was not Mortal Kombat as the game depicted it.

Also, I don't mean an audience that would have deliberately sought out a movie like Evil Dead. I mean specifically, the general parenting audience that saw a mild action video game movie trailer that their then 10-15 year old boys were begging to see. Those parents would have flinched, I'm quite certain.

Anyhoo, Just a personal fantasy that didn't quite happen when I sat in the theater for this one. Borderline magical in context of the time, but not what it could have been. I'm not sure general audiences could have handled that though given how adults perceived video games then. It probably would have freaked a lot of people out the way South Park: Bigger Longer, & Uncut did for ignorant parents taken their kids to a "cartoon." Or even KIDS (1995). WOW that movie lasted less than a weekend where I live due to all the Christian Conservative parents and even grandparents blindly taking their children to a friendly Disney movie! I mean it has "kids" in the title! lol. sigh.
Yes it seems there was a misunderstanding about what was meant by cartoon violence.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Yes it seems there was a misunderstanding about what was meant by cartoon violence.

I still u and ur brooding avatar tho.
lol. iderno what else to type so that happened instead. What's the history on the name Iroquois? Maybe I should use that instead. Nah, I already typed it all, so to the universe it goes...
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Welcome to the human race...
In short, it comes from a Native American word for "snake". I picked it because Solid Snake uses it as an alias in Metal Gear Solid 2 and have further leaned into it with various Snake Plissken avatars, but if you ask me I actually want to change it.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay. Well when it comes to The Running Man, there are elements of the novel which would be good to adapt for a remake. But I think that the game show setting of the movie was better than the setting in the novel. In the movie, we have a William Shatner-ish game show host villain, who I thought added to the satire, as well as having things like women dancing with lots of lights, like a big game show and a demented cheering audience.

In the book, there is no game show setting, and the main character is avoiding being killed on regular streets, and there are no live cameras. He has to record it all and submit tapes by a certain deadline every day. That's just not near as interesting as a live feed game show setting in my opinion. So they should keep the game show setting, but maybe use the novel's material for the rest of it maybe?

Also, I feel they should be more clear on the rules in this dystopian future. They say that the contestants on The Running Man in the original movie are convicts, yet they put a woman on who was never convicted of a crime, and her big crime seemed to be sleeping with 2 or more men per year. So it seems to break it's own rules, and I would like to have a more specific background in a remake. Unless they go with the novel's idea, that the contestants are volunteers who are doing it desperately for money of course.

As for Mortal Kombat, I think there is a significant difference between cartoon video game violence and live action movie violence, and I don't think the R rated market, is the right audience to market MK too. A lot of teens would have wanted to see the movie back then, so I think PG-13 was the right choice. I'm not trying to be a PG-13 goody two shoes, it's just marketing to the right audience I think. Unless a lot of parents would not have minded taking their kids to an R rated movie back then, and I am just being naive about it .

Welcome to the human race...
I don't think it's "breaking the rules" when they're obviously framing her as punishment for snooping (and also apparently have some draconian laws about sexual partners in place anyway).

Some of the concepts in the novel sound more interesting to me, though - the idea of him mailing messages makes sense when you consider how it's partly up to the other citizens to turn him in for rewards (also an example of how class warfare pits the lower class against one another that feeds into the desperation they all feel), to say nothing of how a live feed of him would defeat the purpose of having hunters try to find him. It would also underline the miserable absurdity of the whole enterprise to actually make the show itself just plain bad - I don't think you can go too "fun" with it.

As for Mortal Kombat, I reckon the media landscape has shifted enough so that there is a sizeable audience for a mid-budget R-rated Mortal Kombat. We already got six Resident Evil movies, after all.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay. But I thought that the convicts had to actually be convicted first, thereby defining the term convict, where as she was not even charged with a crime, so therefore, you can throw any innocent person in, if there is no due process? But that is another problem I had with the movie that kind of annoyed is why would the game show host have a copy of the real footage, that could clear Ben Richards? It didn't seem to make any sense to keep the original footage proof around, especially in a file cabinet where it's actually labelled that, in a cabinet that anyone can sneak into the room and open up it seems. It just seems incredibly sloppy, and I thought a remake could fix that?

That's true about Resident Evil, so maybe MK could be R, but most adults I know don't like Resident Evil and think of it as teen entertainment it seems, if that has any baring.

Welcome to the human race...
It's a fascist police state, I wouldn't expect them to stick to any rules. I just chalked up keeping the real footage to them being so overconfident in their power that it didn't matter to them if they kept such damning evidence in an office where everyone stuck to their jobs and even a dissenter could be so easily captured anyway. In any case, yes, that's a detail that presumably doesn't exist in the novel and could definitely afford to be dropped from a remake.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay, I was kind of thinking that too, that maybe they were just overconfident with power, but it seems inconsistent cause if they really do have as much rule breaking power as they do, than why did they feel the need that they had to cover up their crimes by framing Ben Richards in the first place?

If they had that much power couldn't they just shoot 100s of innocent bystanders, women and children, and then the government could come up on TV to the nation and say "We just ordered the shooting deaths, of 100s of your men, women and children, what are you going to do about? Nothing that's what."

Why not just take that approach if they have so much power?

Welcome to the human race...
Because then there'd be no movie.

But seriously, maybe they're not quite that powerful without their propaganda - enough that they can deal with one rebellious TV station employee but not enough to admit to a mass murder that they could just as easily pin on an innocent man.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
At this point I believe SW ep 7 should be remade, starting not long after ROTJ with new actors and choosing the best of the Expanded Universe to work with when looking for other stories.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Because then there'd be no movie.

But seriously, maybe they're not quite that powerful without their propaganda - enough that they can deal with one rebellious TV station employee but not enough to admit to a mass murder that they could just as easily pin on an innocent man.
Oh okay. Well for a remake, I think that it might be better to write it so that Ben Richards is on the show for a more petty crime like stealing food to feed his starving children or something like that, if that would be better.

Actually if they do remake it, William Shatner would be perfect for Killian I think, if he's not too old now.

there was this movie called Mera Naam Joker which should be remade according to me. i think it is the best movie i have ever watch.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Another movie I saw that was bad, but has the material to be remade into a good movie is Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.

*licks finger* People Under the stairs, blade, spawn, mortal kombat, streetfighter, to kill a mockingbird, blob, children of the corn, the bodyguard, blacula, highlander, don’t tell mom the babysitters dead, clue, tales from the hood, leprechaun, drum line, bring it on
Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding

I started to ignore this thread, but I wanted to share this train of thought
What if we remade bad movies that didn't take advantage of their potential?
Definitely a lot of that

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
What about remaking Pearl Harbor (2001)? The idea of a romance in the Pearl Harbor tragedy sounds like a good concept, but should it be remade better?

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Silent Running.
The remake should definitely drop the hippy music though.
Big disagree on this one. The fantastic performance by Bruce Dern, the minimalistic yet beautiful sets and the atmospheric loneliness and feeling of isolation makes it a very breathtaking watch. I love this movie just as it is, and although I can see someone like Duncan Jones make something out of it, he did a great movie on his own about isolation with Moon. Silent Running already gets underrated as it is, and I feel like a remake would bury it just as deep as the original Ocean's 11.

When it comes to the soundtrack I can see how that's not in everybody's taste, but I think it gives it a nice, unique style.

As for films that should be remade, God's Not Dead should be remade as a spoof of Christian melodramas, since the plot has huge potential for that.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Big disagree on this one. The fantastic performance by Bruce Dern, the minimalistic yet beautiful sets and the atmospheric loneliness and feeling of isolation makes it a very breathtaking watch...
Please, no remakes of Silent Running, awesome film. But a lesser known sci fi from the 70s that could be remade is Colossus: the Forbin Project.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Silent Running was a good movie, but not a great movie for me, cause I didn't think much of the ending, with the robots and all. It's still good, but it could have went for a great ending to the whole thing, so maybe a remake could improve upon that. And there lot of actors out there who are just as good as Bruce Dern, if that would help.

So, what about the long-rumored remake of Logan's Run.
Could this movie stand a re-make with some modern special effects and some more current metaphors?

The original is a great movie, but it is a bit dated (visually) and it has a bunch of little plot holes.
The story concept was always an excellent one and sometimes I still find myself questioning if the people in Logan's society may actually be onto something! (Maybe if "carousel" was voluntary instead of mandatory? But then we're getting into euthanasia questions as dealt with in Soylent Green!)