Rate The Last Movie You Saw


I have not, but some of the aggregate review sites scare me a bit haha...premise sounds very similar though
It's not a great movie like the original The Wicker Man but it's far better than the Nic Cage Wicker Man and not as artsy as Midsommar.

this is england - 2006

i was watching a doc on vice and i remembered how much this movie marked my teenage years
some people look back with shame on there ideas and beliefs, i don't really think that way, it was just ingenuity
i was like shaun in many ways, and i ended up projecting my insecurities on other people, i didn't even knew
shane did a brilliant job at dramatic and psychological level with this movie, I'll start watching the series
I saw the end of the film recently – not long after watching Line of Duty series 5, in which Stephen Graham appeared, though regrettably had no scenes with Vicky McClure. I could definitely see from that and This Is England why McClure called him a "powerhouse".

The Covered Wagon (James Cruze, 1923)
Durned if it don't feel like I rode every one of them thar miles with 'em though

What an excellent day for an exorcism
I love that cinemagraph by Orbo. The dude always gets there before me.
Orbo is a great source. The video gifs I designed, but most of the cinemagraphs have been from Orbo.

By video gifs, I mean a series of quick scenes compiled. For example, the last one I posted for BlackkKlansman.

Orbo is a great source. The video gifs I designed, but most of the cinemagraphs have been from Orbo.

By video gifs, I mean a series of quick scenes compiled. For example, the last one I posted for BlackkKlansman.
Yeah they're nice. I like the 'Us' one. I'm waiting for you to post one of my cinemagraphs

Tattoo (John Samson, 1975)

Dressing For Pleasure (John Samson & Mike Wallington, 1977)

Can't think for the life of me why rubberwear didn't take off more

Tried to finish this movie so many times & finally did at the weekend though it was stop & start the whole way through.

Excellent movie though.

Really good movie that I saw twice at the weekend. Rosamund Pike killed in her rôle.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom (Justin Chadwick, 2013)
Wrestled with how to rate this - sadly though it feels more like it delivers a half Nelson than a full one

“I was cured, all right!”

Bad movie with some interesting ideas. Dolph Lundgren is funny.

So bad it's good!
I want this one in my blu-ray collection, it's the Batman & Robin of the Action/Sci-Fi movies!

The Man In The Iron Mask (1998)

"Magnificent Valor."
-Lieutenant Andre

"Spare Their Lives If You Can."

+ 7.5 / 10

All For One

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Arrows (John Samson, 1977)
Brittania: The First Of The Last (John Samson, 1979)
Chuffing 'eck!

The Nun - 3/10. The movie was a complete disaster with no story line.

'Aniara' (2019)

Directed by Pella Kagerman and Hugo Lilja

Low budget sci fi. Extremely nihilistic, bleak and in places quite shocking. Some performances better than others. It could be seen as a analogy of how we are doing irreversible damage to our planet, or a piece that shows how humans would behave given impending doom.

The limited budget does show in places, with most of the action taking place in everyday locations that are supposedly on board this spaceship that is taking passengers to Mars. And there's a clever technique of putting the film into another world, even though the technology used in the movie is a bit dubious. But pound for pound it is a very entertaining, thought provoking film.


The Trap aka Heart Of A Wolf (Robert Thornby, 1922)
Zose eentertitles zo'

Fantastic Mr. Fox - 9/10. The screenwriting is pure gold. I enjoyed every second of this movie. Don't let the visuals scare you out!