i watch alot of movies and in an age of streaming i'm a bit old fashioned and tend not to do that that often. i miss the days of going to the movie rental stores and browsing around seeing what was on sale and what wasn't renting well so they would be sold. getting the deals of buy 2 get 1 free or 5 for 20 bucks. the only one left in my area is bullmoose and i'm thankful for that! so i buy alot of my films i like to own my movies to watch whenever and for the special features that you cant get through streaming. this is what i picked up tonight.
american made
stand and deliver
the glass bottom boat
a star is born (original)
a star is born (remake)
gentlemen prefer blondes
thunderbolt and lightfoot
knives out
the professor
what have you recently added to your collection ? and do you buy or prefer to stream?
american made
stand and deliver
the glass bottom boat
a star is born (original)
a star is born (remake)
gentlemen prefer blondes
thunderbolt and lightfoot
knives out
the professor
what have you recently added to your collection ? and do you buy or prefer to stream?