do you collect ?


i watch alot of movies and in an age of streaming i'm a bit old fashioned and tend not to do that that often. i miss the days of going to the movie rental stores and browsing around seeing what was on sale and what wasn't renting well so they would be sold. getting the deals of buy 2 get 1 free or 5 for 20 bucks. the only one left in my area is bullmoose and i'm thankful for that! so i buy alot of my films i like to own my movies to watch whenever and for the special features that you cant get through streaming. this is what i picked up tonight.

american made
stand and deliver
the glass bottom boat
a star is born (original)
a star is born (remake)
gentlemen prefer blondes
thunderbolt and lightfoot
knives out
the professor

what have you recently added to your collection ? and do you buy or prefer to stream?

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
You got some nice choices there. The Glass Bottom Boat? Are you a fan of Doris Day? A couple of us here are fans of hers, including me. I only have a few films on DVD as I can't afford them and don't have the room to store them...but some people here have HUGE DVD/bluray collections. BTW, Welcome to MoFo

well firstly thanks its nice to be here. its strange in the last few years i'v really come to appreciate the older movies way before my time that i'd have scoffed at in me teens and 20's but when i saw frank sinatra in i think one of the tony rome movies i liked it and started watching alot of his stuff and that led me to jerry lewis and dean martin who as far as i'm concerned are the greatest comedy duo ever and in watching alot of their stuff its lead me down other paths to different things . so no i dont think i'v seen alot with doris day but when i saw the cover i had to get it and i doubt i will regret it lol

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
The Glass Bottom Boat...Oh, you haven't seen it yet. It's a fun movie, very 1960s, which is cool to see. It's sort of like having a time machine.

Sinatra's cool, and I'm a big fan of Dean Martin, though not the Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin movies. Probably my favorite Dean Martin is the Billy Wilder film, Kiss Me, Stupid. Martin plays a performer like himself. It's a funny movie, of course most of Billy Wilder's stuff is great.

Do I collect? Yes.

Collect or Stream... collect. DVD every time

I've never used online streaming or downloading, never will.
Bad picture and sound quality. Not worth the money. I'd rather spend £5 to £10 on a disc and enjoy the movie rather than get angry at the poor quality.

high five to you rodent thats dedication! i take it your in europe somewhere? why is it that every thing imaginable gets a bluray release there and not in the states!? i'm close to buying a region free bluray player just so i can get the movies i want in hi def

high five to you rodent thats dedication! i take it your in europe somewhere? why is it that every thing imaginable gets a bluray release there and not in the states!? i'm close to buying a region free bluray player just so i can get the movies i want in hi def

Believe it or not, BluRay hasn't taken off in the UK as much as you'd think.
DVD sales and stocks outrank BR by a huge amount.

My local HMV, the largest DVD/BR/CD outlet in the UK, has aisles and aisles of DVDs, and only maybe 3 shelves of BluRay.
50 movies max, compared to thousands of movies on DVD.

Addition to that, ADSA by me also has about 10 shelves of DVDs, compared to less than half a shelf of BluRays.

On the Waterfront
American Graffiti
The Searchers
The first season of Westworld
Stranger than Paradise (Jarmusch)

I splurge sometimes, but a lot of the time if you shop Amazon for the 1-3 or 3-5 dollar movies you can find some good ones. I have between 600-700 DVD's. or Blue Rays.

hmmm interesting.. when i look for something on amazon that i know i wont find in my local store if its older or unknown almost always the bluray versions are region b/2 alot of netflix series as well.

I splurge sometimes, but a lot of the time if you shop Amazon for the 1-3 or 3-5 dollar movies you can find some good ones.

Problem right now with HMV is they keep going into liquidation.
They used to have a deal where it was "£7 each, or 5 for £20"... now the best they do is something like "£10 each or 2 for £15".

I get the impression their previous deals were the reason for the constant bankruptcy.

i love american graffiti thats a great movie. just finished season 2 of westworld i think i liked season one more. and damn! i forgot to look for the yule brenner original while i was there lol i have a couple thousand bluray dvd's myself also a prob a couple hundred vhs and 30 or 40 laserdisc

all the movie chain stores as far as i know in the states are gone there are some random ones here and there and new england has bullmoose which is still hanging on but isnt strictly a movie place they have video games and music and books too. making a stand for a physical media lol

i love american graffiti thats a great movie. just finished season 2 of westworld i think i liked season one more. and damn! i forgot to look for the yule brenner original while i was there lol i have a couple thousand bluray dvd's myself also a prob a couple hundred vhs and 30 or 40 laserdisc

Just updated my thread about this tbh. Been a while.
Not sure of my count exactly, think it's about 500? No idea

I ditched all my old VHS tapes. Wish I'd have kept some of them though, some might have been worth something.
Original VHS releases of RoboCop, Predator... original Independence Day VHS with the hologram cover... and an original Jurassic Park VHS with the patterned and embossed plastic cover that looked like fossil bones... ah the memories

i couldnt bring myself to get rid of em. a little embarassed to say that some movies i will still only watch on vhs till the day they die or i do lol its still hooked up to my current tv. horror titles especially on vhs had the best covers! fun fact because nobody owned vhs it to this day still has the record for the physical medium with the most movies

I used to collect movies. I had the dream of someday being wealthy enough to have my own in-home movie library (in addition to a book library). The closest I ever got was a small wooden rack for DVD's and VHS's I used to have next to my TV. I still have most of them, but they are now in storage.

I kind of stopped collecting when I realized that once I owned a movie, I rarely ever watched it again (unless I had a guest I wanted to show it to because they'd never seen it, or if they had a particular hankering for a specific film).

I liked to collect sci-fi, ship & seafaring movies, documentaries, certain classics and box sets of movies with sequels.

all the movie chain stores as far as i know in the states are gone there are some random ones here and there and new england has bullmoose which is still hanging on but isnt strictly a movie place they have video games and music and books too. making a stand for a physical media lol

Close. However, there is one last existing Blockbuster Video Rental Store in the US (and the world actually) in Bend, Oregon.