I think the older you get the more you enjoy a good Doc lol. Played basketball my whole life and I am a huge fan. I remember I read the Hoops Dreams book in high school before I even knew it was a filmed doc (which is rare I don't read a lot which you can probably tell
). Innovative as hell for it's time. Sports just lend themselves so well to documentaries for some reason.
But these 3 documentaries are worth your time even if you are not a basketball fan.
Once Brothers - 2010
About Vlade Divac and Drazen Petrovic both made it to the NBA. Petrovic was considered the MJ of Europe and was the first really big import from Europe to the NBA. Vlade had a long successful NBA career as well. Both played for Yugoslavia before it dissolved into different countries because of war. They were best friends until war separated them. Won't say much more if you don't know how it all ends up. The countries that make up Yugoslavia today still produce a crazy about ball players including Luka Doncic.
Survive and Advance - 2013
This is probably my favorite doc 30 for 30 ever did about the 83 NC State team that won the National Championship. It will make you laugh, cry and entertain the piss out of you. They were not suppose to win the Championship, hell they needed a miracle ACC tournament just to qualify for the NCAA tournament. Jimmy Valvano just oozed of charisma and some of his players have it in spades as well, he rubbed off. That's why it's so damn entertaining. Of course Jimmy V died of cancer in 1992 but gave that indelible speech at the 1992 ESPY's. Fate had him win that title in 83 to give that speech. Crazy.
Bird & Magic: A Courtship of Rivals - 2010
This is the GOAT for sports docs in my book. If I was going recommend one sports doc this would be it. It's just beautifully made. It's about a rivalry turned into a friendship. It's a great basketball history lesson if you are too young for Magic and Bird (I was born in 87 so I was too young, but my dad tells me all about them
). They saved the NBA and Jordan took it global. Black vs White. East Coast vs West Coast. Lakers vs Celtics. But in the midst of all that you find humanity in your rivals. I can't recommend it enough, I'll go back and rewatch it every few months. It just makes me smile.
Then these two are just kind of selfish recommendations for me ha. Both involving Shaq.
This Magic Moment - 2016
This simply was my childhood and the reason I am such a massive Orlando fan. I was born in Orlando. Spent a lot of my childhood going to Shaq and Penny games. Man those teams were great and fun. It's a crazy story about how that team escalated so quickly then just had an abrupt end. Forecast into what pro sports would look like with free agency, I think they were the first causality of it unfortunately for me. Maybe not as good as the other ones I mentioned but important to me ha.
Shaq & Dale - 2015
Of course Shaq being on that Orlando team was my favorite player. Everyone knows Shaq. But this shows you his history and what makes him tick and how important his coach at LSU was to him and what mentorship can do for someone. The end is so sweet.
Anyways those are my recommendations ha