Let's Make Money!


You ready? You look ready.
Oh, btw, if you’re a blue chips investor than you best be invested in $IBM. Long term growth they are the smartest play in the tech sector. Plus, they have a 5% dividend.

They primarily invested in blockchain applications for healthcare and inventory tracking, and they are looking at 5-10 years of guaranteed growth.

You ready? You look ready.
I exited $UAVS yesterday. It's gunna be awhile before it pops again.

Also, I was reminded yesterday why I love options: the trades settle in one day instead of three.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

You ready? You look ready.
Opened a swing trade on $LZB. I loved the news about their EPS beat, so I snagged a few shares in after hours. I have a feeling it’s going to be hot tomorrow! Looking for a quick 8%

I found a penny today while picking up Chinese food.
Even though there were other people around, I bent down and picked it up.
It will go in my "abundance jar" - a jar that holds only found money!

(It's got a ten dollar bill in it that I found in a Sears parking lot many years ago. I also found a quarter a few months ago during my evening walk and kept reminding myself that it was like finding a penny every night on 25 consecutive walks!)

I found a penny today while picking up Chinese food.
Even though there were other people around, I bent down and picked it up.
It will go in my "abundance jar" - a jar that holds only found money!

(It's got a ten dollar bill in it that I found in a Sears parking lot many years ago. I also found a quarter a few months ago during my evening walk and kept reminding myself that it was like finding a penny every night on 25 consecutive walks!)

Was the penny on heads? It's only good luck if it's on heads.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You ready? You look ready.
I found a penny today while picking up Chinese food.
Even though there were other people around, I bent down and picked it up.
It will go in my "abundance jar" - a jar that holds only found money!

(It's got a ten dollar bill in it that I found in a Sears parking lot many years ago. I also found a quarter a few months ago during my evening walk and kept reminding myself that it was like finding a penny every night on 25 consecutive walks!)
Pay attention folks: THIS is how you truly make money.

A system of cells interlinked
Me this week:

“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

A system of cells interlinked
After a sound drubbing last week, I am back in action this week. Exited my swing trade on $NIO at validation with a decent gain, might get back in later if it sells off again like it tends to do.

In on swings with $TWTR, $T, and $KSS. Not 100% on the last one, so I will watch it closely and cut and run if it goes south.

I may go long on $T if it shows price strength for a long haul, as it has room to go up 10% in share price, and the dividend is fairly strong.

You ready? You look ready.
@Sedai: I hate JP Morgan. They downgraded $NOK based on some anti-Nokia propaganda coming out of China.

Erased all my gains from the past month with one news article.

And ya'll wonder why I say the stock market is rigged and just an instrument of the rich ruling class? Because it is.

A system of cells interlinked
Exited $TWTR swing at validation after it ran up today. Looks like maybe it isn't going to drop like I thought, but it's a green trade, so I will take it!

Pissed I sold $NIO last week, even if it was a green trade.

Still long in $T, which hasn't done much.

Still in on my $KSS swing, which is finally moving. Currently up 9%, but will stay in with an exit target of $36-ish.

You ready? You look ready.
I give up. My investment picks have been bludgeoned by crooked banks and investment firms. While some junk stocks are on a tear.

@Sedai: Did you see $NBRV? And $UAVS is going nuts, too.

A system of cells interlinked
Yea, I saw those moves. I am not in either stock at this point, but I keep an eye on $UAVS because I know you get in and out of that from time to time.

I have most of my short money out in cash right now, waiting for some of it to clear, and also looking for another opportunity. Still long in $T. Earnings later this week and just past the Div Ex date for 7%.

You ready? You look ready.
Yeah, I am holding out hope that $NOK's earnings report is good. They report on the 31st.

Right now I am just holding options in $NOK and $BB

Also, **** JP Morgan.

A system of cells interlinked
With whatever funds I had free in my account this morning, I took a day trade when I saw strong price action on $HTBX this morning. Jumped in at $2.84 and sold after validation at $3.75. I will take that 33% gain! Too bad it was short money!

You ready? You look ready.
Monday's financial news: "We are not worried about COVID" gains gains gains

Tuesday's financial news: "Oh God, COVID is going to destroy the world!!" sell sell sell

Just in case anyone needed further proof that the stock market is the rich man's manipulation machine.