A Song For January


  1. Nürnberg - Los
  2. Courtney Marie Andrews - Table for One
  3. Lee Roy Parnell - The Rock
  4. Steel Blossoms - County Line
  5. Christian Kjellvander & Tonbruket - Loneliest Woman in the World
  6. Blackpink - Ddu Du Ddu Du
  7. Parkway Drive - Vice Grip

Before man was, war waited for him.
1. Christian Kjellvander & Tonbruket - Loneliest Woman in the World
2. Courtney Marie Andrews - Table for One
3. Steel Blossoms - County Line
4. Lee Roy Parnell - The Rock
5. Nürnberg - Los
6. Blackpink - Ddu Du Ddu Du
7. Parkway Drive - Vice Grip

Blackpink: I don't hate this, but I'm not in love with it either. I can see why somebody would like this. It seems like a high-end version of a lot of the sh*tty modern pop music, which is a backhanded compliment.

Nurnberg: I don't know what's being said, so it actually kinda helps me just vibe. There's a nice vibe here too. I enjoy good post-punk sounds, this has some nice post-punk sounds. It's no Joy Division, but it got my head bobbing.

Courtney Marie Andrews: I love her voice, it's distinct, and it's perfect for this material.

Lee Roy Parnell: This has some of that 80s/90s country production that I don't really love, but is miles and miles and miles better than snaptracks. I don't really know much about Lee Roy Parnell, but I love that jacket he's wearing. I had forgotten about those, but I'm pretty sure my dad had a jacket that had some southwestern patterns like that. I am digging this song. Parnell's voice isn't Keith Whitley levels, but he's got capable pipes. I ended up not paying too close attention to the lyrics, but it sounds like we have an interesting, extended rock metaphor or several rock metaphors or something. I'm into that.

Parkway Drive: I can't really take this too seriously, so I'll just say that it looks like they are having a good time, and I am happy for them for that.

Cat's nom: F*ck yes. What the f*ck is this? I'm very into that double bass. Kjellvander's vocals sound like a lot of country dudes who do that type of singing well, but the instrumentation in this song is a lot more interesting than a lot of country ballads. I mean, this isn't really country, but he's singing like it is. I don't know, this is just kind of blowing my mind right now. @cat_sidhe did you nominate this one for me, or was this just a beautiful coincidence?

Steel Blossoms: If we count cat's nom, we have four good ass country songs in this round, and I can't be happier about it. These girls with the steel and some bite in their lyrics. I can get behind this.

Warren certainly has a country inflection to her voice, however. I'll be curious to see where she falls on the spectrum for @honeykid, since he dislikes country but appreciates ladies who rock.
As I wasn't around to play the last round (sorry about that, my neck got bad for a couple of days) I didn't hear the songs, but as Captain wondered, I thought I'd take a listen.

It reminds me of something but I'm not quite sure what. I quite liked it though. A little too country and not quite enough rock to really go with it on a first listen and I can't say I feel much desire for a second, but it's not because I didn't like it.

Just for you people....

Round 12 nomination
The KLF - Justified & Ancient
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Cat's nom: F*ck yes. What the f*ck is this? I'm very into that double bass. Kjellvander's vocals sound like a lot of country dudes who do that type of singing well, but the instrumentation in this song is a lot more interesting than a lot of country ballads. I mean, this isn't really country, but he's singing like it is. I don't know, this is just kind of blowing my mind right now. @cat_sidhe did you nominate this one for me, or was this just a beautiful coincidence?
And Captain Spaulding too, based on the kinds of things you guys have previously nominated. That album is amazing. Tonbruket is one of my alltime fav bands and Christian Kjellvander is one of Mr Cat's alltime favourites so when they brought out an album together last year, it was like a gift. Tonbruket is an odd band to classify, they're instrumental and very interesting. They basically came from the ashes of Swedish jazz band E.S.T. (Esbjörn Svensson Trio), which broke up after death of Esbjörn Svensson. Christian Kjellvander is also awesome...I think you'd like all of his stuff, Check out his other solo stuff as well as Loosegoats (his band). He always has that country influence without being actual country. Doom Country actually sounds spot on (title of this nom's album).

I was actually not sure sure song to pick as they're all gorgeous. If you have Spotify, go wild! It's all on there.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

Round 11

1. Courtney Marie Andrews - Table for One
2. Christian Kjellvander & Tonbruket - Loneliest Woman in the World
3. Steel Blossoms - County Line
4. Lee Roy Parnell - The Rock
5. Nürnberg - Los
6. Blackpink - Ddu Du Ddu Du
7. Parkway Drive - Vice Grip

1) Lee Roy Parnell - The Rock
2) Christian Kjellvander & Tonbruket - Loneliest Woman in the World
3) Steel Blossoms - County Line
4) Courtney Marie Andrews - Table for One
5) Nürnberg - Los
6) Blackpink - Ddu Du Ddu Du
7) Parkway Drive - Vice Grip
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Round 11

1. Christian Kjellvander & Tonbruket - Loneliest Woman in the World

2. Nürnberg - Los

3. Steel Blossoms - County Line

4. Courtney Marie Andrews - Table for One

5. Lee Roy Parnell - The Rock

6. Parkway Drive - Vice Grip

7. Blackpink - Ddu Du Ddu Du

Parkway Drive - Vice Grip
Lee Roy Parnell - The Rock
Steel Blossoms - County Line
Blackpink - Ddu Du Ddu Du
Courtney Marie Andrews - Table for One
Christian Kjellvander & Tonbruket - Loneliest Woman in the World
Nürnberg - Los
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

All voted

1st - Courtney Marie Andrews - Table for One (36 pts)

2nd - Christian Kjellvander & Tonbruket - Loneliest Woman in the World (35 pts)
3rd - Steel Blossoms - County Line (34 pts)
4th - Lee Roy Parnell - The Rock (32 pts)
5th - Nürnberg - Los (25 pts)
6th - Blackpink - Ddu Du Ddu Du (20 pts)
7th - Parkway Drive - Vice Grip (14 pts)

Grats to jj on getting another tune through to the Final

Round twelve up shortly...

Before man was, war waited for him.
All voted

1st - Courtney Marie Andrews - Table for One (36 pts)

2nd - Courtney Marie Andrews - Table for One (35 pts)
3rd - Steel Blossoms - County Line (34 pts)
4th - Lee Roy Parnell - The Rock (32 pts)
5th - Nürnberg - Los (25 pts)
6th - Blackpink - Ddu Du Ddu Du (20 pts)
7th - Parkway Drive - Vice Grip (14 pts)

Grats to jj on getting another tune through to the Final

Round twelve up shortly...
You got my nom at 1 and 2. I did really well.

You got my nom at 1 and 2. I did really well.
Didn't you just Cheers for the catch, corrected now.

Honeykid bounces back into the fray (not too high though I hope, don't wanna be hurting that neck again )....

Axwell & Ingrosso - More Than You Know

Nikki Lane - Man Up

Bic Runga - Sway § (alt link if needed)

The KLF - Justified & Ancient

Guns N' Roses - Coma

Hedningarna - Täss'on Nainen

Simple Plan - Jet Lag ft. Marie-Mai

Chris Young - Drinkin' Me Lonely

Please rank from 1 (your favourite) to 8 (your least favourite).
This round will stay open for voting until 9am GMT on 27th January.

Nominations for Round 13 are now open

  1. Bic Runga - Sway
  2. Chris Young - Drinkin' Me Lonely
  3. Nikki Lane - Man Up
  4. Simple Plan - Jet Lag ft. Marie-Mai
  5. The KLF - Justified & Ancient
  6. Axwell & Ingrosso - More Than You Know
  7. Guns N' Roses - Coma
  8. Hedningarna - Täss'on Nainen

My R13 nom:
The Allman Brothers Band - Please Call Home