MoFo Lists


I forgot the opening line.
Umm, FYI, CODA has popped up as the latest FL Oscar winner instead of Drive My Car - I'm just sayin' that for whomever updates the FL list.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Double Down (2005)

Public Service Announcement: very soon (today? Tomorrow?) the little lists dropdown next to your username on all posts will start displaying your Custom Lists (any lists you've created and made public), as opposed to the percentages you've checked off of the legacy lists. The icon won't be there if you don't have any.

Still thinking about how/where/whether to display the list checked off data. Stay tuned on that.

Expounding on the above: Custom Lists have been in kinda-sorta beta long enough, time to start integrating them properly and all that.

Any word on being able to rearrange our list of custom lists in a different order?

Any word on being able to rearrange our list of custom lists in a different order?
There should be a "List Order" option that allows you to do that on this page:

Might need to fiddle with the code to make sure it updates the cached list display on the other end, though, but let me know if that at least works on the page itself (refresh likely necessary).

There should be a "List Order" option that allows you to do that on this page:

Might need to fiddle with the code to make sure it updates the cached list display on the other end, though, but let me know if that at least works on the page itself (refresh likely necessary).

But how do I access this page on my own? There doesn't seem to be a link or a button on either the page for all my custom lists or when you go to the normal lists page from the top menu.

But how do I access this page on my own? There doesn't seem to be a link or a button on either the page for all my custom lists or when you go to the normal lists page from the top menu.
The former, no, but there is one via the latter: Lists -> New Custom List. Think it's in the breadcrumb from there.

It'll be linked in more places eventually when it's not in beta, but in beta I kinda want it to be a tiny bit of a chore to find until it's ready for prime time. When it's ready it'll all be front and center and impossible to miss, of course.

The former, no, but there is one via the latter: Lists -> New Custom List. Think it's in the breadcrumb from there.

It'll be linked in more places eventually when it's not in beta, but in beta I kinda want it to be a tiny bit of a chore to find until it's ready for prime time. When it's ready it'll all be front and center and impossible to miss, of course.


Thanks for catching that. I'm behind on some Lists stuff, but will get to it very soon! Just got back in town from a short trip so I'm catching up.

Anatomy of a Fall is missing from the Cannes' Award Winners list.

The new All Quiet on the Western Front is missing from the Foreign Language Oscar Winners list for 2022.