2023 MoFo Fantasy Baseball: Season and Trades


A system of cells interlinked
Man, what a legendary plummet in the standings by my team in the past couple of weeks. It was like...once Shohei got shut down, my team all just gave up hitting completely! Two weeks ago, I was in the mid 80s trying to push into the top 5... Shohei got shut down and I sank like a stone.

Oh well...On to football!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
Congrats to Chris one more time. Had a great time this year guys. Glad to be back in the fantasy mix. Always good times

Thanks Sean. Fun year, mostly down to baseball itself being so fun.

I'd hoped to go (more or less, for roto) wire to wire once I took over first a month into the season, but Dan had a midseason surge and led briefly in early July and then one more time in early August. And Sean got within shooting range down the stretch, too, and managed his team super well.

So it was for the last two months, and for between 4.5 and 5 months of the year. I'll take it. After having a very intense final month of the season for like a full decade, it's been nice to coast in Aug/Sept the last couple of seasons. I don't expect it'll last, though.

Thanks for all being such cool and fun competitors. Already looking forward to next year, where I know you guys are gonna come at me as hard as ever. It'll be a blast, like it always is.

Question, between baseball and football, whenever you win do you buy yourself a trophy?

A system of cells interlinked
Great season, all!

After the legendary plummet down to 9th, I managed to battle back up to 78 total points, securing 6th place on the season. About par for the course for me most seasons!

I'd like to make the motion that next year we have a 75 Move cap limit. Yes I'm the one saying this, nobody's hijacked my account.

This would make every move important and would take discipline on me and Yodas part. God knows this would help my game as Im my own worst enemy. See the difference between the 2 of us is he actually knows what the hell he's doing, whereas I'm a compulsive fiddler with poor patience to boot. End result is me junking up the waiver wire, and Yoda being able to win with enough will put to it. Chris I hope you don't feel Im bushwacking you, but I'd like to open up the playing field.

Nostro probably would have won that one season he played, and Mark F probably would have won more than one.

What say yall?!

Sorry, been busy, didn't get to respond right away.

I'm not offended by the suggestion but for any rule change I want to know what specifically it's trying to fix or accomplish. Is the idea that it's unfair that I dedicate a bit of time to my team every morning? To me, that just seems like the way you play daily roto leagues. There is certainly some correlation between spending that time and making good moves, but I didn't/don't think it's a case of asking people to sink lots of time into their team in order to be competitive. Most mornings I just spend a handful of minutes looking around while I drink some coffee.

Also, if we did have a transaction cap, 75 would be incredibly low. There's 180 days in the regular season, so that'd be less than one move every two days. I think if you're gonna have daily lineups, one more per day has to be the absolute minimum, even if we do establish what the cap is meant to address.

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
I don’t think a transaction cap is a bad idea but, like Yoda said, we would definitely have to think through what that should look like.

I think an even better idea is to switch to auction next year. If we started talking about it now we could get it done. With plenty of time for people to figure it out.

I'm still down with the auction but it seems like we're lucky to get even half the owners to agree. And I think we need, if not unanimous buy-in, certainly more than just half/a slight majority, because it genuinely is a big time commitment relative to the normal draft style and I'm sympathetic to people not wanting to spend all that time on it.

Anyway I'll be glad to talk about a transaction cap but we'd need to establish what the supposed problem is, if any, and then move on to whether or not it fixes that problem. I'm still not clear on what the issue is.

Anyway I'll be glad to talk about a transaction cap but we'd need to establish what the supposed problem is, if any, and then move on to whether or not it fixes that problem. I'm still not clear on what the issue is.

The issue is some can dedicate more time to their team than others, and that's a Huge advantage. Not cheating, but a consistent disadvantage to most of the league.

I get it. Not just drinking coffee but anytime when I'm awake I love to tinker and review. Would I have as much fun with a move cap? No. Would I be more successful? I'd have to guess I'd say Yes, but that's just me. It.would be a whole new level of discipline and commitment towards a player on the owners part. It would enforce patience on mine.

I said 75 just looking at the most moves made in the league besides the 2 of us. In Head to Head there's a move cap per week, I can't remember what that is. Maybe add all those up? idk.

A system of cells interlinked
I am unsure why we would consider a transaction cap in the first place? What issues does not having one cause?

I tend to spend about 5-10 minutes in the morning going over the team, which doesn't seem like a lot of time.