13 Spookiest Places on Earth:
1. What was once The Murder Castle in Chicago is now a post office.
2. LaLaurie Mansion
3. The Amityville Horror house
4. Hoia-Baciu Forest, Romania
5. The Gettysburg Orphanage
6. Aokigahara Forest, Japan
7. Lizzie Borden house
8. Doherty Hotel, Clare MI.
9. Resurrection Mary
10. Centralia, PA
11. The Catacombs of Paris
During the Gallo-Roman period many cemeteries within the city limits had become filled to overflowing, resulting in unsanitary and unpleasant living conditions for those dwelling adjacent to them. The problem grew so acute that by 1786, these cemeteries were being emptied for reasons of public safety. With the remains of some six million people requiring reburial, the only location with sufficient room to inter them all was the former mine tunnels twenty metres beneath the city. Thus, the former limestone mines of Paris became a municipal ossuary referred to as the ‘catacombs’, as they bore a similarity to the subterranean necropolis of ancient Rome, even though the tunnels were not originally intended to serve as a tomb.