MoFo Fantasy Baseball - 2024 Signups/Draft


Hey if you're a baseball fan and not a headcase like me then you'll find a greater appreciation for the players and the game. There are players I never would have ever heard of that I now know well because of Fantasy Baseball. Statwise at least.

3 more days. I actually did a mock draft today and it was the first time where it wasn't a snake format. Interesting. Yoda please make sure ours is set up correctly in case Yahoo tinkered with their defaults.

A system of cells interlinked
Almost time!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The word for the day is "Finally". Under 4 hours now till we draft. No notes, no set plan, just me and my gut. I found out quickly doing mock drafts was as constructive as playing a timesink game. My apologies ahead of time to whoever is picking right before me, I'll probably be cussing you on some occasions when you grab my pick. PW picks behind me. its ok Chris, I forgive you Picking behind me must feel like that box of chocolate analogy.

If anyone is open to a trade before the season I mostly respond quickly. That's all I hope for when sending an offer too. Trading is a part of baseball. To simply not trade I dont think someone can win. I wish Mark traded, I think he only did twice, like ever. If he had I'm sure he would have won a season or two. He had a great baseball mind, and temperment for it.

This season I'm dedicating to my Dad who passed away in September. He was 94. He played for a world champion softball team in the late 50s as a catcher. His picture from back then is the photo im using for my team. He coached little league for over 20 years and loved the game. Yes he watched the Rays games too, but I strongly feel Pop would Not have played Fantasy Baseball the way I have (understatement). He was a winner, and understood how mangers and players think alike. Anyway, I'm not pointing at an outfield fence with my bat, just hoping to have fun this year and not ruin anyone elses.

Took the day off from work for this, and now my Wifi is down. So it looks like I'll be doing it from my phone again. That's a scary spot to be in when you only have 2 or 3 bars.

94! Dang. I'm torn between wanting to say "condolences" and wanting to say "congratulations," because what a run. And yeah, while a lot of people just come to the game on their own, there's obviously a lot of stuff with fatherhood tied up in it. A lot of guys basically bequeath the game to their sons.

Anyway, just have some fun today and remember: you've got thousands of decisions throughout the season and lots of time to figure things out. The draft may be the single most important day, but it's still less important than all the stuff you do after it combined.

As for mocks, yeah, I'm coming to the same conclusion: too many bots, too many people who don't take them seriously. I get a little something out of them, still, but it's usually more a vague sense of which things I should or shouldn't wait on. It kind of refreshes your memory of various mid-tier guys and after awhile you kind of realize you like taking your chances at some positions and not others. But I get that from a relatively small number of mocks, too, and eschewing them a bit over the last few years has still worked out okay.

Plus, basically every year I begrudgingly take someone I didn't really want and they have a great year anyway. Last year it was Adolis Garcia. Shows what I know.

Looking forward to it. Draft days are some of my favorite days of the year, even though I'd say I leave them happy maybe a fourth of the time.

Under 90 minutes to go:

Make sure to test the draft thingy in your browser/turn down security settings/whatever, since it can take a few minutes to sort that out sometimes.

I like the app. I've only had it crash a few times in all the years I've been using it.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Thanks guys.

Well my WiFi is working but ive no webcam. Is there a chatroom somewhere on Zoom or whichever everyone is gonna be on? I could talk even though I cant be seen.

I think Dan set one up last year, I'm kind of catching up on stuff, we'll see if he or Tim or whoever gives it a go. If they do I'll help disseminate it.

Make Believe Registered User
yo yo im in for a zoom

Every-fricking-Ray that I wanted to draft got nabbed before me the round I was gonna take them. Even Junior Caminero! sickening I grabbed Taj Bradley to act as a band-aid for this compound fracture to my soul.

I dont think I have to worry about home runs this season, but my stolen bags could use a boost. We will see, hopefully it wont matter.