A year after LazyTown premiered on American TV, the show had it's very first fourty-five minute long movie ever and it turned out to have a whopping total of 3 million viewers on that special day. But was it that good?
Sportacus, the athletic elf we all know and love likes saving everyone in trouble, thus his catchphrase being 'Someone's in trouble'. So when Robbie figures this out he makes a Robodog that attacks anyone who says the 'T-word' as Stephanie calls it.
Speaking of Stephanie, she has taken in Sportacus' superhero role for a day. Sportacus is on vacation (coincidentally this episode aired in summer.. at least in the US) reading comics and promising not to workout.. of course, that promise is failed multiple darn times. XD.
So, in the end, he helps up saving the kids and he says his best vacation is saving people. Lesson? Don't make people do things they don't want to? Never say the T word?
New Superhero is the longest episode of LazyTown and one of the most entertaining. With some pretty funny one-liners and of course, Stephanie's awesomest costume (aside from the jumper in Soccer Sucker and Laziest Town), and the best LazyTown song so far, this episode of the show doesn't dissapoint at all!
Except when it comes to the logic. Stingy WANTS to be saved meaning he WANTS trouble, and that rope Stephanie is tied to should've broke. Not to mention the Robo-dog attacking when someone says.. nothing at all, and Robbie saying the T-word in front of his own creation.. because comedy.
There is a lot of space for improvement in this show. Imagine if it was released in cinemas as a one hour long movie with shorter credits (more episode time!), that'd be super duper awesome.
Anyways, this episode was planned to be the most awesome, and while it didn't meet that goal it was really close.
Sportacus, the athletic elf we all know and love likes saving everyone in trouble, thus his catchphrase being 'Someone's in trouble'. So when Robbie figures this out he makes a Robodog that attacks anyone who says the 'T-word' as Stephanie calls it.
Speaking of Stephanie, she has taken in Sportacus' superhero role for a day. Sportacus is on vacation (coincidentally this episode aired in summer.. at least in the US) reading comics and promising not to workout.. of course, that promise is failed multiple darn times. XD.
So, in the end, he helps up saving the kids and he says his best vacation is saving people. Lesson? Don't make people do things they don't want to? Never say the T word?
New Superhero is the longest episode of LazyTown and one of the most entertaining. With some pretty funny one-liners and of course, Stephanie's awesomest costume (aside from the jumper in Soccer Sucker and Laziest Town), and the best LazyTown song so far, this episode of the show doesn't dissapoint at all!
Except when it comes to the logic. Stingy WANTS to be saved meaning he WANTS trouble, and that rope Stephanie is tied to should've broke. Not to mention the Robo-dog attacking when someone says.. nothing at all, and Robbie saying the T-word in front of his own creation.. because comedy.
There is a lot of space for improvement in this show. Imagine if it was released in cinemas as a one hour long movie with shorter credits (more episode time!), that'd be super duper awesome.
Anyways, this episode was planned to be the most awesome, and while it didn't meet that goal it was really close.