33rd Hall of Fame


I forgot the opening line.
I was rushing around the house to make it here in time!
You've got another 10 minutes or so...
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Double Down (2005)

I forgot the opening line.
Equal 8th


22 points (4th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 8th, 8th, 9th, 9th, 9th)

John W Constantine - "This wasn't bad for an average Statham vehicle with some things thrown in.."
rauldc14 - "It doesn't do anything fascinating at all but it does keep the viewer on its toes for the duration of the film."
Hey Fredrick - "I really liked this one. There isn't anything deep going on here. It's not a masterpiece by any stretch. It's simply entertainment, done well."

Equal 8th


22 points (4th , 5th, 7th, 8th, 8th, 9th, 9th, 9th, 9th)

Citizen Rules - "I like this film because it creates a place in time and characters that I like to spend time with as I watch the film."
PHOENIX74 - "I found watching God's Little Acre enlightening, sometimes frustrating but ultimately silly and sexy."
beelzebubble - "Robert Ryan, Tina Louise and Aldo Ray are all excellent as the lead characters. It was definitely novel seeing Robert Ryan as someone who seems full of joy."


I forgot the opening line.
I love the fact that the two lowest place films tied, meaning that none of the films people nominated finished 9th. The Bank Job and God's Little Acre started off in the voting respectively enough, but in the end vied for 9th - at the very last moment ending up tied.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I love the fact that the two lowest place films tied, meaning that none of the films people nominated finished 9th. The Bank Job and God's Little Acre started off in the voting respectively enough, but in the end vied for 9th - at the very last moment ending up tied.
Oh speak for yourself I was shooting for last place, damn!

I forgot the opening line.
For those interested, Hey Fredrick nominated The Bank Job, and those who don't know that Citizen Rules nominated God's Little Acre really haven't been paying attention.

I forgot the opening line.


34 points (4th, 4th, 6th, 6th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 8th)

edarsenal - "It is a good blend of crime, human drama, and moments of unintentional moments of humor in difficult situations."
jiraffejustin - "Pretty simple flick, but looks great and is compelling story-wise."
rauldc14 - "For never hearing about it prior to this hall, it definitely exceeded my expectations. A nice atmosphere and a nice setting definitely."


I forgot the opening line.
When a Hall of Fame is packed with great films, it sometimes seems unfair that a gem like this doesn't end up higher in the placings - but regardless of which film does, that feeling is inevitable.

cricket's Avatar
Registered User
I nominated Mona Lisa, in part because we had the noir countdown rolling. I like it a lot, but didn't quite love it the way I did the first time.

Trouble with a capital "T"
When a Hall of Fame is packed with great films, it sometimes seems unfair that a gem like this doesn't end up higher in the placings - but regardless of which film does, that feeling is inevitable.
We had some good films but personally I think a few other HoFs were really packed solid with choice noms.

I forgot the opening line.
We had some good films but personally I think a few other HoFs were really packed solid with choice noms.
I think the top 5 of this one were all very worthy of winning a Hall of Fame - truly top drawer.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think the top 5 of this one were all very worthy of winning a Hall of Fame - truly top drawer.
I mostly agree, I'd say 4 myself are top tier, but who's counting