33rd Hall of Fame


I forgot the opening line.


35 points (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 6th, 6th, 8th, 8th, 9th)

beelzebubble - "Beau Travail is a beautifully render retelling of the Billy Budd story by Herman Melville."
PHOENIX74 - "I was really intrigued by this film about repressed desires and male physicality - along with jealousy and envy, the emotionally reactive component. It was really original and different."
John W Constantine - "Over time I developed a comfort and sort of fascination with this type of storytelling. It seems almost like something out of a Terrence Malick film with it's quiet narrative, limited dialogue, and pictures to tell a story."

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Double Down (2005)

I forgot the opening line.
Beau Travail was the most arthouse, film festival-type movie in this Hall of Fame - it was one I had on my watchlist. I'd never seen anything quite like it.

cricket's Avatar
Registered User
I feel guilty having Beau Travail low on my ballot. It's a good film and the kind of nom I like, it just didn't do much for me the 1st time.

I forgot the opening line.


55 points (1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th)

cricket - "Everything is of high quality, and it's the performances/characters which really worked for me the most. I expected that, but I'm unfamiliar with Paul Scofield and he was terrific."
Citizen Rules - "I liked that this film was a more focused personal story, versus what another director might have turned into a big splashy spectacle. We have big events alright but the story itself is well grounded and told mainly from Thomas More's perspective."
John W Constantine - "Paul Scofield's performance is one my favorites and this film and his character are one I could revisit very often."


I forgot the opening line.
There's a huge jump-up in scores from Beau Travail to the top 5 - and A Man For All Seasons is the first film to receive either 1st or 2nd place on anyone's ballot.

Bank Job did make me open to nominating a similar type movie in the future, not just classic era things from the past.

That 1st place was my vote I think. Really enjoyed revisiting this a few months ago.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That 1st place was my vote I think. Really enjoyed revisiting this a few months ago.
That long ago? Oh yeah these HoFs take a 1/4 of a year. I wish we could shorten that time by some.

That long ago? Oh yeah these HoFs take a 1/4 of a year. I wish we could shorten that time by some.
I hadn't watched any movies in a few months when we started. So to run through these picks didn't take long at all.