The Crown


You can't win an argument just by being right!
I dont think I've seen anything with him in it but I think his look will follow on nicely from Matt depending on what they do with makeup.

This might just do nobody any good.
Bettany is not playing Philip in season 3.


My first thought for an alternate was Daniel Craig (so much smolder) but I don’t know that he’s viable for the show.


So, I finished season 2 and was mostly lukewarm about it. Acting was great, on the technical side it’s all quite flawless, but narratively it’s... vapid. That’s a problem the show needs to acknowledge; these are, ultimately, rather boring people. Season one has a strong logline. Elizabeth becomes the queen and has to surrender so much of herself for the sake of The Crown™. That’s good, that’s endearing and potent. Here, I kind of think of it as, like, Iron Man 2. Too soon, too little. The benefit this show has is that they can pick the best moments of the royal’s lives. However fun season two might have been to binge, it didn’t add up to much. The best advice for the show going forward is to get right down to it. Get as much character growth from the big moments, the moments that affected the family as much as the nation or, at least, their closest colleagues. It’s sensationalization and there’s no need to be coy about it.

Just finished the last season, and thoroughly enjoyed this series from beginning to end. At no point did this show lag or dip in quality. Something I believe Breaking Bad only pulled off too, but it was more exciting due to the fiction advantage. The Crown had class.