Dexter (Showtime)


Season 3, Ep 5. The expression on Dexter's face looking at the sonogram was priceless. Why did Dexter think parenthood was an inevitability? I love that as clueless as he might be, Dexter is smart enough to have the sonogram with him to show to people like a regular future parent. Just when I think Dexter is doing everything right, he tells Rita he wants to keep his apartment. "Appreciating the wisdom of those three little children allowed." ,Considering all the feelings Dexter seems to be going through in this episode, why the hell did he even propose to Rita? "I love the smell of ass in the morning." They seem to be pushing Deb at Anton but I'd rather see her with Quinn. Wendell worked for Freebo? What's the matter with Masuka? "Wow, somebody needs a hug, I would offer but I don't know what I would catch." Where was Deborah when the sensitivity chips were passed out? Is Angel's hooker really a hooker? I don't think it was intended for laughs, but I cracked up when Dexter he doesn't feel like house hunting. It's weird how ever since they shared their secret, Miguel feels like he has to spend every spare minute he has with Dexter. He seems to be blowing off everyone else in his life to spend time with Dexter. Loved Quinn sticking up for Deb in front of Ramon. La Guerta said this was going to be a joint investigation but it's not looking that way. I liked Harry's advice to Dexter. I'm getting the feeling that, in another attempt to protect Dexter from himself, Rita will lose that baby. Deborah looked really upset to find another woman in Anton's apartment. I don't get why Dexter is leading Rita on the way he is. As Miguel continues sticking to Dexter like glue, will it force him to be Dexter's next victim?

Season 3, Ep 6. The relationship developing between Dexter and Miguel has a real cringe factor to it. I like the fact that Harry might be keeping Dexter from trusting Miguel too much, whether he likes it or not. "Every time you let someone get close, it ends badly." Dexter's right, though, Miguel isn't going anywhere. Talk about collateral damage, Wendell so did not deserve this. Leave it to Deb to think what is happening is all about her. As nuts as he might be, I don't see Ramon murdering a kid. So Miguel has a questionable professional past? Didn't see that coming. There's a definite sexual tension between Deb and Anton. Not sure about what Miguel is planning to do for Dexter. Sad to hear Camilla is being written off but not surprised...Margo Martindale is one of the busiest actresses in the business and she wasn't doing much here. Now I'm thinking I might be wrong about Ramon because no one but Deb believes it. Martindale's final scene with Michael C Hall was lovely. Rita working for Miguel's wife, yeah that's a good thing. I guess Miguel doesn't always play by the rules. What does IAB have on Deb that they can force her to do what they're forcing her to do? The writers seem to be giving Miguel a little more substance than he originally seemed to be at the beginning of the season, a little more complex. Dexter needs to run, not walk, from Miguel. So Angel apparently has a serious past with hookers? That has to bite him in the ass at some point. Love Dexter's toolkit. Harry really messes with Dexter's head, but he's more right than wrong. Was that Blake Gibbons playing the guy guy Miguel's helping escape? After everything we've seen. was Miguel really setting Dexter up? Ramon is nuts, but still don't think he killed Wendell. Don't get what Ramon was doing with that bottle of soda. Not sure if I believe Quinn's story about the IAB agent. I think this is the first Dexter victim we've seen to declare his innocence.

Season 3, Ep 7. Are we supposed to believe that Rita really doesn't see that Dexter is not into this wedding or is she just seeing what she wants to see? They sure are stretching out Camilla's final days. Those childhood shots of Michael C Hall were adorable. I have a feeling that turning in his badge and gun just might make Ramon even more dangerous. I'm over Masuka and all of his poor me poor me nobody likes me routine. "I'll bet a night of lap dances I know who did it." What does Miguel really want to do to Ellen Wolfe? I cannot believe these people still think Freebo is alive? Why are they setting Anton up? "Taking an innocent life could be a dangerous precedent." Rita giving relationship about the blind leading the blind. Dexter's not having a best do you not have a best man? I couldn't tell what that newspaper clipping said about Ellen and I think that wasn't an accident. I agree with Dexter, I don't understand Miguel's hatred of Ellen. "Until you find the perfect keylime pie, I have something to live for." I loved when Miss IAB referred to Quinn as "a waste of clothes." Loving Deb being so tickled with herself for figuring out the case. Who is Rita to tell Dexter who he can invite and who he can't? Just because Dexter doesn't know the guy's name? Albert Chung does look like Masuka. I'm beginning to wonder if Miguel's elevator doesn't go to the top floor. Why would Dexter ask Prada to be his best man? I'm glad Dexter helped Camilla.

Season 3, Ep 8. Miguel was acting like a teenager in that opening scene with Dexter, like they were having a sleepover. I'm really tired of listening to Rita whining about Dexter not helping her with the wedding. Glad that Deb and Anton finally did it because Deb really needed to get laid. Why was Deb so shocked to learn that Quinn was paying Anton in cash? Is something going to happen between Ellen and LaGuerta? I was relieved when Dexter decided to call off the Freeta murder, but wasn't surprised when Miguel talked him back into it. Dexter seems to be defying a lot of his father's advice lately. Angel's voicemail to Barbara: worst voicemail ever. This Angel/Barbara thing seems to be moving at super speed. Jimmy Smits was excellent in that final scene.

Season 3, Ep9. I didn't realize how unhinged Miguel really is. Once it was confirmed that Miguel didn't come home the same time Dexter did, I was convinced that he killed Ellen Wolfe, That makeup job on Anton's back was disgusting, it literally made me look away. How does Musaka get any work done doing all that thinking from below his waist? I confirmed that that is indeed Jesse Borrego playing George King. "he's held life and death in his hands...he likes it." What kind of detective can Deb really be if she has to pick a blood spatter expert's brain about how to crack a perp? Well, at least Dexter is onto Miguel, even if it took a little longer than it should. Miguel pretty much charmed the pants off of Rita. Deb channeling Elliott Stabler was laughable. Dexter apologizing to Ellen? Seriously? Miguel going off half cocked is going to get Dexter hung up somehow. He needs to sever ties with Miguel before it's too late. Dexter was lucky he didn't get caught in that cemetery. Dexter's right, Miguel does think he's untouchable. Ramsey's corpse makeup was SO creepy. Miguel has absolutely no gilt or remorse about what he did. They wanna trick King into lawyering up? Whose blood was on that last swab Dexter was looking at. Glad that found Anton, I was just getting invested in him and Deb. LaGuerta's taking Ellen's death harder than I expected> What's up with that? OK, didn't really get exactly what Miguel did to piss Dexter off so much.

Season 3, Ep 10. I guess I'm supposed to be sympathetic with Dexter's predicament right now but Dexter put himself in this position. Rita isn't the least bit suspicious as to why Miguel wants to cater their wedding? Dexter should have gotten out of the offer when Miguel made it, it's too late to refuse now. What good is it for Dexter to let Rita think that Miguel is having an affair? Deb was wrong for having Anton over while babysitting. Sometimes I swear Deb swears just for the sake of swearing, it feels so forced and affected sometimes. Why would she have Anton over and then flip out on the guy? Deb gets more annoying with every episode, just like Rita. "If my show does not make people vomit and have an erection at the same time, my people will be let down." "A hooker is a terrible thing to waste." How did Dexter get into Miguel's office? Is access to a DA's office that easy? Why is Miguel so desperate to cling to Dexter? Miguel looked like he was going to cry when Dexter walked out of his office. Can't believe LaGuerta is questioning that bartender...I don't care how many times she called her...this guy had no motive, looking for sex is kind of lame for a motive. "No one will know that Prince Charming knocked you up before the ball." LaGuerat needs to stop taking out her grief regarding Ellen on everybody else. I hope Miguel is not thinking about having sex with LaGuerta. That's a complication in his life he doesn't need right now. Miguel, saved by the knock. They keep taking the power in the relationship away from Miguel and giving it back to Dexter. Can't believe Syl actually showed up at LaGeurta's, did not see that coming. And the power shifts back. He actually found that ring? Seriously? Masuka and the party cute was that? Vigilante justice doesn't seem to be like Angel. That scene on the roof was awesome. Another 11:00 reveal I didn't see coming. Dexter in the deep.

I was just joking. But there may be something to it - you may be seeing their (then) real-life mutual attraction showing through their performances even though they were supposed to be playing siblings.

P.S. Or... I just remembered, Dexter and Debra aren't biological siblings in the story since Dexter was adopted by Debra's parents. They are like Greg and Marcia Brady! So, no reason, even within the show, they couldn't be attracted to each other.
There’s a whole subplot about her being into him. Whereas he to me is plain asexual and the rest is masking.

Season Three, Ep 11 Wow, Harry even found Dexter in the trunk of a car. Always been a phobia of mine, being locked in the trunk of a car. What a great surprise, but damn, locking him in the trunk of a car? Can Dexter really get away with murdering an ADA? None of the guys Dexter works with aren't jealous that Dexter made Miguel his best man? Was that Miguel toasting Dexter the same Miguel who was threatening Dexter on the roof in the last episode? So sick of watching Rita drone on about this wedding, which I'm sure is not going to happen. Deb was offended because she wasn't invited to the bachelor party? Seriously? This relationship between Angel is getting a little gooey and seems a little too good to be true. I do love the effort that Dexter often puts into sparing Deb's feelings regarding Harry. I must have missed something somewhere because I don't have a clue what was going on between Anton and Deb in that interrogation room. How is Dexter going to frame King for Miguel's murder without knowing where he is? There's some serious chemistry between Jimmy Smits and Lauren Velez, though I have a feeling it's not going to get a chance to really come to fruition. "If you need something under the table, I'm your guy....that didn't come out right." TMI, Vince. LOVED Dexter feigning shock in front of LaGuerta regarding Miguel. Why does Deb want to open up old wounds that can't be changed? Love the way Dexter always checks things out first before he makes a movie. Still trying to figure out how Dexter is going to get away with this one with one more episode in the season? That final scene was a little melodramatic.

Might as well go ahead and wrap season 3. Hate when people die with their eyes creepy. Keith Gordon was again in the director's chair for this one. I can't believe Dexter still considers Miguel his best friend. Seriously? Don't like the thought of Dexter being in Ramon's cross hairs. He's crazy. Rita did just lie to Dexter. I said it the same time Dexter did. What was Ramon looking for at Dexter's place? Ramon got Dexter's slides? So nice to see that Rita has a skeleton in her closet like most humans. They just skipped over Miguel's funeral? Deborah is going to learn something she really doesn't want to know about her dad. I guess Dexter needs to keep LaGuerta quiet in order to protect himself. He's gotta kill Ramon too. I don't believe Ramon pulled a gun in a restaurant. what an idiot. I still can't believe that Dexter is going through with this wedding. Dev is really in love with Anton, not sure if he feels the same way. How did King overpower Dexter? I keep thinking about Dexter and this wedding and I keep forgetting there's a baby involved. I can't believe nobody all season figured out that Freebo is dead. I can';t believe Dexter didn't ven know about not seeing the bride before the wedding. Dexter does have a point...he does owe Rita a secret or two. I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how Dexter can continue to do what he does now that he has a wife and kids. Solid season finale. I think I'll keep watching. I've heard though that the show takes a serious dip in quality after season 4.

Okay, ready to begin season four and since I heard that show's quality decreases after season 4, I'm assuming this is the John Lithgow season, which won Lithgow an Emmy. I could have definitely lived without the image of Lithgow's naked ass. Little disappointed they just skipped over the birth of Dexter's child, seems like a missed opportunity to me. That image of the two of them in the bloody bathtub was chilling. Aster is beginning to annoy me in the tradition of Sally Draper on Mad Men. Loved Anton asking Deb to tevo Jon Stewart when he did. Very glad Anton and Deb are still together, maybe she'll let Dexter live his own life for awhile. Where have I seen that actress playing the prosecutor before? I'm still wondering why every other word out of Deb's mouth is a variation of f*uck? So why did Dexter screw up in court? Loved that suit LaGeurta was wearing. So it looks like they might have romantic interest for Quinn since it looks like he and Deb aren't happening. Deb doesn't seem happy unless she's whining about something. Interested to see how they're going to connect Benito Lopez with Lithgow's character. Did Rita just interrupt Dexter at work to sing to the baby? Masuka is beginning to annoy me too...this guy is am uneasy combination of needy and self-absorbed..."I swear by my uncircumsized dick"...seriously? Angel and LeGuerta...this should have happened two seasons ago. I guess that's why they glossed over his breakup with Barbara. Rita is so Joan Crawford with her kids but a total wimp with Dexter. Dexter is a grown man why does Deb feel she has to defend him whenever anybody questions anything he says? Didn't see the return of Keith Carradine's character coming. Nice tp see the glamorously aging Adrienne Barbeau as a woman from Harry's past. Which reminds me, we haven't seen Harry yet in this episode, which worries me because I loves me some James Remar. The way Dexter looks at those blood slides is SO creepy.. He's turning a former gym into his new playground? Beginning to think there is no connection between Benito Lopez and Lithgow's character. That cop who delayed Dexter looked familiar. "Maybe I cam squeeze in a power nap...or not." Loved Dexter telling his son that he kills people. He seems genuinely happy about being a father. Carradine must be after Lithgow. Deb has a picture of her and Anton on her desk already? They really need to give Masuka a life. "I'm killing for two now." What was with jumpy Dexter in the playground? Rita's timing is unbelievable...whatever you're doing can wait, did she really say that to him. Lithgow is scaring the crap out of me already. Nice twist at the end.

Season 4, Ep 2. The recaps are getting too long. It's like an excuse to make up for lack of screentime of the actual episode. For a minute it looked like this accident had affected Dexter's memory, but I guess not. What reason would the authorities have to search Dexter's vehicle? Rita's timing remains impeccable. Loved when Angel told LaGuerta to leave her hair down. What a sweet moment. Angel found a different body than the one that Dexter lost? Masuka really needs to get laid. So glad to see Harry again, i was beginning to get worried. Dex is experiencing some memory loss. "If I hadn't already gone through that phase in college, I'd kiss you." Is Quinn really ready to put his job in jeopardy over this reporter? Why is it Lundy's responsibility to inform Deb of his return to Miami? "Blood on the cactus"...sounds like a murder mystery. Was that Richard Gilliland as the guy Deb was questioning? Yeah, that's him. Did I miss it, or has Deb not told Lundy about Anton? Does anyone know what was in that spray bottle that Dexter used to remove that blood spot from the boxing ring? Nobody else knows Benny is dead? Like that Deb was finally honest with Lundy and her complete self-absorption about his return to Miami being all about her? Rita was a little over the top with her reaction to Dexter's car. Why is Quinn all of a sudden acting like Miguel last season? Little fuzzy on Trinity's victimology. Sometimes Dexter is too smart for his own good.

Season 4, Ep 3. OK, Rita is going to be driving Deter to and from work? How is that supposed to go? "The last thing we need is a dangerous presence in our neighborhood." Why is Aster all of a sudden acting like an entitled little diva? Are the cops supposed to think that this woman committed suicide from that location? The way Trinity talked her into jumping was chilling. Dexter seems less trusting of Harry than he was in previous seasons. Did Rita just refuse Dexter a cup of coffee? Is there a connection between Johnny Rose and Trinity? Surprised that Deb is the woman who thinks there's more to this "jumper" than everyone else thinks. Is Trinity Lundy's man or is he a copycat? Loved the neighborhood watch meeting. Glad that Angel and LaGuerta haven't given up on each other. Deb seems afraid of Anton and Lundy running into each other. Wow can't believe they just started shooting in broad daylight like that. Dexter being chased by the neighborhood watch, how funny was that? God, Masuka really needs to get a life. Wonder who Trinity's imaginary drinking partner was? I missed something, why does Dexter think Quinn is dirty? Technically, Dexter is not a police officer, he just works for the police? Whoa, Deb is sick of Anton already? Deb is seriously blowing off Anton. Why hasn't Dexter cleaned his door?

Season 4, Ep 4. Rita would lose it if she really knew what was going on inside her husband. I love how excited Dexter is for having three days to himself. God that actor playing the blood guy looks SO familiar but can't place him. OK, Dexter's next victim is a female cop? Not clear on what LaGuerta's issues are with Lundy. Looks like Lundy is officially in Trinity's crosshairs now. A few episodes LaGuerta wanted to shut down this thing with Angel and now she wants to disclose to the brass? Laughed out loud when Harry asked Dexter if he misses his family. Cannot believe that Deb was all about Anton three episodes ago and now she can't tear herself away from Lundy and her lying to Anton is totally unconvincing. Why did Trinity goad that guy into assaulting him? Zoey isn't even trying to be subtle with Dexter. Deb is totally loving being the apex of a romantic triangle and I don't think plans on getting rid of either one of them. Anyone coming to Dexter for relationship advice seems very strange to me. Angel wasn't really interested in advice, he was just dying to tell someone about it. Quinn brought this on himself, LaGuerta warned him. I can't believe he thinks he can end it that easily. Trinity is the same guy Lundy is looking for. Zoey's traffic stop of Dexter made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Looks like she's going to require a little more finesse from Dexter. LaGuerta also coming to Dexter is contrived and overly cute. That scene with Zoey and Dexter in the bathroom was excellent too. wow, she broke into his house? Hope Dexter thinks to repair that cup before the family gets home. "What is it with you and rape?" Of all of Dexter's conquests, Zoey seems to be the least afraid of dying. OK, when he was talking about his family, Dexter looked genuinely insane. Michael C Hall should have won an Emmy for that scene alone. I'm assuming that was Trinity at the end, and if it was, why didn't he wait until Lundy was alone?

Season 4 Ep 5. Why would Dexter arrive at the crime scene without his ID? Kind of convenient that Lundy is dead and Deb survived. Nice to see Masuka taking what happened seriously. Cannot believe that reporter feigning concern for Quinn and then jumping on Angel for a statement. Did Trinity really want Lundy dead and only want to injure Deb? How can he control that? Trinity's confronting of the waitress about his Denver omelette was very creepy. Kind of weird the way Deb just showed Dexter her wound. Can't believe Anton just walked in on the bathroom like that. Rita needed to be smacked pretending to care about Deb and all she was worried about was the fact that Dexter still had his apartment. I'd really like to see Deb and Anton work things out but with Lundy gone and Dexter's newfound attention, I don't see that happening. LaGuerta was right to disclose about her and Angel because Angle's behavior is making it look obvious anyway. So these guys think Johnny Rose shot Deb and Lundy? Seriously? Dexter hasn't figured out yet that his privacy and sanctuary disappeared when he married Rita? She watches the guy like a hawk and questions everything he does. At least they've figured out that Trinity forced that woman to jump. "If there's anyone who understood the importance of ritual, it's you." John Lithgow was superb in that scene in the hardware looked like Trinity might be feeling some remorse about what he's done. Just realized I love watching Dexter and Harry work together. I still say that Quinn continuing to have sex with this reporter is going to jeopardize his job. Of course, Dexter insisted that Deb recuperate with him and Rita, an offer I'm sure Deb jumped at. Why did she throw her meds away? Rita is being so selfish right now, I'm really not liking her much right now, actually ever since she and Dexter got married. Is Dex supposed to actually get away with what he did in that evidence room? How did he know about that tape? I remember the actor who played that security guard from an episode of Seinfeld where he played an Uber driver driving Elaine somewhere. Rita was definitely overstepping trying to psychoanalyze Deb. If Nikki was with Johnny Rose in that alley, who was the corpse that Masuka was examining? "Hell hath no fury like a meth addict scorned." Batista is going to lose it when he learns about his transfer. Dexter keeping his apartment i none of Deb's business. I am so sick of Deb, she really needs to get over herself, she thinks everyone who is happy in her life and everyone who is miserable in her life are that way because of her. Does Dexter have any women in his life that are stable? Why would Rita go to Dexter's apartment? Love that shot of Trinity through the security camera. I thought Trinity was after the security guard. Loved Harry in the passenger seat while Dexter was following Trinity. Trinity is married with children?

Season 4, Ep 6. OMG, Trinity is a minister? OK, he's not an actual minister...that would have been sick. Am I the oly one who assumed Dexter would be hanging onto his apartment? "Not a tool I haven't played wth my friend." Good thing Angel came to his senses about LaGuerta disclosing them to Matthews. Rita is like most women...they don't marry the man who is they marry the man they think they can mold him into. Dexter desn't have a clue about Rita right now. Did Deb know that the reporter was at Quinn's house? Is that why she stayed outside? Trinity's son seems a little too good to be true. Does Deb think bullying Nicki into a confession is going to work? Why is Matthews willing to transfer Batista but not LaGuerta? That remak about a cow and miilk just made Rita cme off like a bitch. "We both have a closet and we both have skeltons to keep them in." Why did Dexter give Trinity a fake name? Loving Roma Maffia as Dexter and Rita's therapist.

Season 4, Ep 7. A couple of eps ao, Aster was barely speaking to exter, now she's bum rushing him when he gets home to put up shelves for her? Dexter looks really awkward and out of place trying to pull of this husband/family man thing. I don't know about Dexter going back to Trinity's house after what happened last ep. Dexter needs to stop worrying about his sister, she's loving all the attention she's been getting since she was shot. Where do I know that actor playhng Farrell from? LaGuerta and Batista are doing a TERRIBLE job allegedly hiding their attraction to each other from the squad. What does Dexter still need to learn from Trinity before he kills him? And does he seriously think he's crushing this marriage? Quinn seems to be the only person righ now who's making Dexter sweat. Deb's headed in the wrong direction...was Dex supposed to be shocked by this? This is a little too "Into the Woods" for me." Th sight of that dying deer was heartbreaking. Trinity can't kill a deer, bu he can a wman jump off a building. Why did Dexter disobey his father? Deb keep looking straight through her brother and seeing absolutely nothing. Why is Quinn tailing Dexter? Thank God Dexter spotted Quinn. It's really hard to read Trinity right now, wonder what his next move is? Cannot believe LaGuerta and Angel believe they effectively concealing their feelings for each other...they can't be that dumb. Did Dexter just take out an innocent man?

Season 4, Ep 8 Why is Dexter troubled by the fact that he took an innocent man? I'd be very worried about him if he weren't. Is it possible that Farrell somehow framed his assistant? How does LaGuerta know the woman in the tub wasn't a bludgeoner? All of a sudden, these detectives are becoming competent? "I do really need to stab something." I still say we need to keep an eye on Trinity's son, I'm getting bad vibes from him. That's Julia Campbell playing Trinity's wife...she played the bitchy mean girl in Romy and Michele's High School Reunion. What did Deb expect Dexter to do about being taken off the case? Dexter looked absolutely bonkers when he was trying talk LaGuerta and Rita into letting him go to that conference. Trinity's really\ freaking me out right now...were those his daughter's ashes? Dexter begging Trinity for a ride to that convention was very strange. Unless he's planning to persuade Trinity to attend the convention with him. That whole thing with Deb and Quinn went right by me. Dexter thinks another kill is going to relieve his guilt about Farrell? Dexter's pushing Trinity too hard. Can't tell how much of what Dexter is doing is an act. "The best deed I can do is to rid the world of you." That DNA sweep of tall older guys doesn't sound very legal. Dexter may have gone too far. Angel and LaGuerat are getting a little sugary for my tastes. On her desk? Seriously? This reporter is making Quinn look like an idiot. "I'm using you to make you look good, but I wouldn't want to make you feel like a tool." Ten years old watching his sister take a shower...that explains a lot. Why didn't the Asian couple follow them upstairs? Cannot believe Deb agreed to an interview. What's up with Trinity the innocent Moore family? Trinity is really unraveling. LaGuerta was wearing that red suit She's nuts to take off her shirt in front of Masuka, no matter the purpose, the guy is a total perv. OK, now I'm not sure who shot Lundy and Deb either. Looks like that might be giving Rita an outside marriage dalliance to keep her out of Dexter's hair. Was Trinity really jumping? How is Deb allowed to just hold onto Lundy's ID like that? I knew Trinity would get out of that stop.