
Finally one little family of 9 ducklings in the park. So tiny & vulnerable, it’s amazing they survive at all. So cute.

(Stock photo)
Oh my, this is the positivity tip I needed. 😍

They're prety ducky.

Why did you think people were down? Here and elsewhere. I would have asked sooner, but things had veered into positivity, and I was trying to dodge all the smiles.
I don’t want to point fingers or anything. Just been seeing a few posts about illness, general existential crises and whatnot. But like I said, it’s very much to do with me feeling down and subconsciously seeking that out/seeing that, I understand this much.

Stirchley mentioned volunteering the last time I was feeling this down. I do donate a lot and help mentor juniors in my industry, recently been strong-armed into giving guest lectures at the uni where I did my master’s. I could always do more, I guess, but I don’t think this is quite the answer.

I’m noticing something weird about how I must be perceiving the world at the moment, because I suddenly want to cry at pretty much any movie; and I haven’t cried in years, not at funerals, not under immense stress, it just doesn’t happen to me. Yet now I watch the most random movies/shows and feel like I want to cry. This is all somewhat bizarre and creepy. Recently, I have almost cried while watching True Blood, Outer Range, The Leftovers (well, I guess this one is understandable).

I can’t really talk to anyone irl about this, not even my best friend. I’m due to see her on Tuesday, but I’m a very reticent person, and usually she ends up going on about her issues, while I listen. It’s funny — I really love her, and the last time I saw her a few weeks back, she sort of actively tried to rectify it, as in, ‘Let’s talk about you!’

However, I’m quite bad at this in-person socialising business. I don’t actually get any ‘relief’ from socialising, don’t feel better, ever, after doing it — I’m a classic introvert where I need to recover after seeing people. So it’s all been bloody exhausting lately.

AgrippinaX, if you ever need to talk privately I'm here for you. Just shoot me a message. All of us have been in a bad place at one time or another. Nothing to be embarrassed about. It's human nature. Don't be scared to reach out. Sometimes in life all we need is a moment of pause to think about what's going on before we react to them. I'm here for you, buddy.

I don’t want to point fingers or anything. Just been seeing a few posts about illness, general existential crises and whatnot. But like I said, it’s very much to do with me feeling down and subconsciously seeking that out/seeing that, I understand this much.

Stirchley mentioned volunteering the last time I was feeling this down. I do donate a lot and help mentor juniors in my industry, recently been strong-armed into giving guest lectures at the uni where I did my master’s. I could always do more, I guess, but I don’t think this is quite the answer.

I’m noticing something weird about how I must be perceiving the world at the moment, because I suddenly want to cry at pretty much any movie; and I haven’t cried in years, not at funerals, not under immense stress, it just doesn’t happen to me. Yet now I watch the most random movies/shows and feel like I want to cry. This is all somewhat bizarre and creepy. Recently, I have almost cried while watching True Blood, Outer Range, The Leftovers (well, I guess this one is understandable).

I can’t really talk to anyone irl about this, not even my best friend. I’m due to see her on Tuesday, but I’m a very reticent person, and usually she ends up going on about her issues, while I listen. It’s funny — I really love her, and the last time I saw her a few weeks back, she sort of actively tried to rectify it, as in, ‘Let’s talk about you!’

However, I’m quite bad at this in-person socialising business. I don’t actually get any ‘relief’ from socialising, don’t feel better, ever, after doing it — I’m a classic introvert where I need to recover after seeing people. So it’s all been bloody exhausting lately.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​

AgrippinaX, if you ever need to talk privately I'm here for you. Just shoot me a message. All of us have been in a bad place at one time or another. Nothing to be embarrassed about. It's human nature. Don't be scared to reach out. Sometimes in life all we need is a moment of pause to think about what's going on before we react to them. I'm here for you, buddy.
Thank you!

Thank you for sharing this AX.

And you should totes share with this girl.

She'll be flattered and give you a warm hug and whatnot!
Thank you! It was great to see her, actually. I feel marginally better, maybe because it’s taken my mind off things. I sort of did share, but it’s a tough one. It’s very unnatural for me. I have some things I’m vastly protective of, and feel are ‘mine alone’, including music/art/film. At least irl, that’s how it goes. But it was still lovely to see her, we had a nice dinner, I’m not bouncing off walls. I call that a win!

“A whole stack of memories never equal one little hope.” — Charles M. Schulz

that star spangled banner is awesome!

I hope no one thinks I posted that as some sort political statement. Even if I had it wouldn't be a commentary on the current administration. There's way too many people thinking they're in the right.

Have any of you ever just ignored a jury summons?
If so, what happened?

I have one deferred from last year - but things are different now - used to be you had to show up for 1 day or 1 trial. Now petit jurors (in my area) have to show up for 5 days or 1 trial. But, apparently you have to check each day to see if you have to come back the next day. Now I don't know about skipped days - if you show up on Monday, but then call Monday night and find out you don't have to show up Tuesday... do you then have to call Tuesday night to see if you have to show up Wednesday (or does a single day when your number is not called equal the end of your service?)

Also - the reason I got a deferment is because my desktop computer has no camera or microphone and cannot make Zoom calls - apparently one form of jury duty now is remotely. So, I guess that means I HAVE to appear in person (if my number is called) since I have no remote access??? (All this confusion has made me consider just ignoring it... but at the same time I'd like to be civically responsible).

My 16-year-old daughter had a date tonight. This is her third boyfriend. They went our for dinner and a movie. I made sure, like all of my daughters' boyfriends, that I met him. He seemed nice. He's 16 too. Still, I made sure I showed him my gun, rifle and shotgun collection.

In other news, my other daughter who is 19 is moving back in with us this weekend. Deep down I am very happy. Been missing her a lot. It'll be nice having her around the house again. Like old times.

Went on one of my local cinemas’ website to see what’s on. This is the first thing one sees when landing on the website:

Whatever you have in mind, we can help you bring it to life on The Big Screen. From morning meetings to large-scale conferences. Private screenings of the latest blockbuster or a timeless classic and so much more. With cutting-edge audio and visual equipment, satellite and WiFi link-ups for multi-site use. Let the dazzle bring your brand to life as your delegates and colleagues sit comfortably in our plush seats having a big-screen experience that blows them away.

Now, everyone needs to survive in this economy and cinemas are on life support since Covid, but is it just me, or does it just come off as really odd? I guess on the whole it’s fine, but the fact that the conferences come first is amusing.

It takes ZERO EFFORT to be a decent human being to someone.
There's plenty of people about whom that isn't true. Sadly I seem to have met more than my share

Went on one of my local cinemas’ website to see what’s on. This is the first thing one sees when landing on the website:

Whatever you have in mind, we can help you bring it to life on The Big Screen. From morning meetings to large-scale conferences. Private screenings of the latest blockbuster or a timeless classic and so much more. With cutting-edge audio and visual equipment, satellite and WiFi link-ups for multi-site use. Let the dazzle bring your brand to life as your delegates and colleagues sit comfortably in our plush seats having a big-screen experience that blows them away.

Now, everyone needs to survive in this economy and cinemas are on life support since Covid, but is it just me, or does it just come off as really odd? I guess on the whole it’s fine, but the fact that the conferences come first is amusing.
It is, but I suppose that if you're looking at the site you're looking to see a film, so seeing that makes no/little difference to whether you do or not. Whereas, for some, it might also give them the idea of using that place for something else. So it's a win/win situation really for the cinema.
5-time MoFo Award winner.