Movie Things Most People Like But You Don't


Trouble with a capital "T"
Movies with Rap soundtracks! Especially period pieces set to Rap or Hip-Hop music. (Hee-hee! Got that back in there!)
I'll expand on that and say I don't like period piece movies with modern soundtracks. I'm thinking of Moulin Rouge (2001) looks good and I should love it, but I've tried watching it twice and twice I walked away from it thanks to the modern pop music score.

Related to my unrelated and now deleted post about hating hot weather, I used to hate Westerns exclusively because everyone was always standing around in the sun in them and looking sweaty and I could nearly feel the temperature rising right through the screen. And since I oppose heat so thoroughly, Westerns were not allowed on my television for many years because of this one reason.

I now love them, but I still think I had a good point.

If anyone would like to add to this, they can find me in the **** Summer thread.

I never realized that, but it's true!

I love Office Space, btw, as a true cult classic. It's one of those movies I thought was just a mediocre comedy the first time I saw it, but after experiencing so many real-life counterparts to the movie's characters (not to mention the various "systems" in place) in offices I worked in, the movie really began to grow on me.

Still don't care for the rap music, although I love one of the scenes it's set to: where the workers destroy the fax machine (or is it the copier?) in a rage-filled manic episode!

Oh... it's the printer...
Yeah it took a couple of viewings of Office Space for it to grow on me

Most people that know me here, know these, but these are some films I'm not a fan of which will probably put me in "Cinephile Jail"...

Sam Raimi's Evil Dead films (I really liked the 2013 remake)
Silver Linings Playbook
Top Gun
Annie Hall
Nice to see another non-fan of Annie Hall. Woody has made at least half a dozen films that are better.

I seem to be alone in my assessment of The Bikeriders as a giant load of malarkey.
It desperately wants me to think it's cool but I'm not falling for it.

Any movie that wants you to think it's cool, probably isn't.

And just because it was worried about that in the first place, probably means it was shit.

Rule of thumb.

I seem to be alone in my assessment of The Bikeriders as a giant load of malarkey.
It desperately wants me to think it's cool but I'm not falling for it.
You're much aligned with a review I heard on the radio the other day... they tried to make it clever by saying that despite some well done aspects, it never quite finds its way to firing on all cylinders (or something like that).

Any movie that wants you to think it's cool, probably isn't.

And just because it was worried about that in the first place, probably means it was shit.

Rule of thumb.
Someone seems to have convinced Austin Butler that solemnly lighting cigarettes equals a personality.

Name some actors, movies, film genres, etc. most film buffs love but you don't.

I'm a little embarrassed to admit some of these but here we go.

- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
- Vin Diesel
- Jason Statham
- Super Hero Movies
- Mulholland Drive
- Lord of the Rings Movies
- Harry Potter Movies

The first three are definitely "guilty pleasure" type actors. It's not their performances, but the actors themselves that many viewers like. If you don't like them, then their acting ability certainly won't sway you.

I love Mulholland Drive, but I completely understand it (or any other David Lynch creation) not being enjoyed by many people. His movies are utterly bizarre and obtuse.

Personally, I just don't enjoy depressing movies. I can appreciate them as art, but I simply don't enjoy the experience. I gotta know there's at least some hope at the end, and someone has a happy ending. I don't want to spend 2 hours watching something just to feel "sad".

The exception are horror movies. I don't watch those with the same expectations. But these movies aren't designed to make you sad. They're meant to thrill and terrify. It's a different experience.

Also, Adam Sandler is the worst thing to happen to comedy since we traded John Belushi for his brother.

I seem to be alone in my assessment of The Bikeriders as a giant load of malarkey.
It desperately wants me to think it's cool but I'm not falling for it.
The movie is cool, and it absolutely doesn't care what you think.

If you don't understand the themes in the movie, you're obviously not going to enjoy it as much as those of us who did.

Someone seems to have convinced Austin Butler that solemnly lighting cigarettes equals a personality.
Solemnly lighting cigarettes doesn't, but there's plenty of other stuff in the movie that does.

The trick is not minding
Two directors I can’t get into as much as others would be Cassavetes and Fulci. I can see there is talent, but their films often don’t much for me.
Spaghetti Westerns don’t do much for me, despite the fact I do enjoy several of them, but for the most part, they don’t.
Harold Lloyd’s silent comedies don’t do much for me either. Much prefer Chaplin and Keaton.

A thread about politics AND the weather?

While I hate both politicians and the weather, I thought we didn't talk about such controversial things here.

But since it's been asked, the most loathesome weather politician ever was definitely Zeus. He was a total dirtbag.

Oh. MOVIES about politics and the weather.

This movie is one I both hate and love. Brilliant musical. Ridiculous history.

Best weather song ever.

Victim of The Night
I seem to be alone in my assessment of The Bikeriders as a giant load of malarkey.
It desperately wants me to think it's cool but I'm not falling for it.
I am filled with disbelief every time I even hear the title and the trailer did nothing to help.

Oh and westerns. I like about 4 westerns and that's it. Clint Eastwood is also overrated, in general.

Actually, let me revise that - it wasn't the theater per se, it was other people in the theater (and I'll also put under "other people" when theaters started sending staff to collect donations before the movies in a massive "public shaming" effort. Have they stopped that practice? I hope so).
lol, sounds like my Catholic Church every Sunday when they shove the donation baskets in front of us.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Welcome to the human race...
saw the thread title and decided it makes more sense to pick "things" as opposed to individual films or creators because there are enough threads talking about who or what is "overrated" already.

anyway, the first thing i thought of was disaster movies. not like there haven't been some good ones, but as a whole it's just a sub-genre i don't find very interesting or entertaining.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0