Gone Girl

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For the first time ever (at the advice and recommendation of a co-worker) I just watched Gone Girl.

It left me feeling like I was on an emotional roller coaster for the first three quarters of the film.

Then, Amy came back home to be with her ‘husband’. This happened after she slashed the other dude’s neck with a box cutter blade ——- while she was having sex with him.

From this point forward I no longer felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster. Instead, from this point forward I felt like I was being dragged through the mud.

All the way up to the three quarter point of the movie I was convinced this was going to end up on my top ten list. But I was wrong about that.

This is a really pathetic movie. I am still struggling to figure out who the actual villain was. I do not know whether Nick was the antagonist or the protagonist. Nor do I know the same about his wife Amy.

This movie is more convoluted than both Mulholland Drive and Memento combined.

No thank you. I don’t need to see it again. I’d give it a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10.

Cheers 🍻

That’s… a dramatic take. I mean, I love villains but I’ve always been team Nick. So yeah, it is annoying in the same way as any twist can be (it rewires your brain, there’s an, Oh, I’ve been reading this all wrong), but I would say it’s better than Nick actually being the killer/kidnapper, no? Which is exactly what happened in
WARNING: spoilers below
the Hugh Grant show The Undoing

⬆️ I liked it.
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A system of cells interlinked
From what I have seen of your takes, you are not a fan of twisty or surreal film, maybe?
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

From what I have seen of your takes, you are not a fan of twisty or surreal film, maybe?
Not sure who you’re talking to.

Sorry I missed these responses earlier.

The thing about it is though to be honest, I do like a good plot twist. Especially when you don’t see it coming.

Memento did that to me, as did Secret Window. Shutter Island, The Sixth Sense. The Village (not as good as the others in my opinion).

Maybe I’m not understanding the meaning or definition of the word surreal?