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Third Hall of Infamy Proposal


Hi Mofos, I am bored.
Anybody interested in doing a Third Hall of Infamy?
Its been long enough that I have forgotten how painful it was to watch those movies.
I would host it.
Unless someone else would rather do it.
What say you?

I forgot the opening line.
I would absolutely join a Hall of Infamy if one started up right now.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Double Down (2005)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm not joining but it's a cool idea for an HoF. Maybe someone should @tag the members of the past Infamy HoFs...and you need a host, someone should'd have fun doing it!

If a film was featured on Riff Trax does that mean most of you have already seen it?
I've seen a handful of Rifftraxed movies. I wouldn't mind rewatching any of them.

If a film was featured on Riff Trax does that mean most of you have already seen it?
I watch movies with my family sometimes. Talking through it doesn't affect my rating.

If a film was featured on Riff Trax does that mean most of you have already seen it?
Probably not, and also, it's different sitting and watching one of those films just as a straight-ahead movie.

I find that silly commentary is the only thing that can get you through some movies. Send me your nominations and inform your friends. This will be very loose goosey. I’m not the most organised person in the world.

Just to be clear, I'm not nominating a Riff Trax episode or anything, but the film in question has been "Riffed" in the past.
I know some folks IRL who have those things memorized, so I didn't want to nominate something that most of you had already seen, thus robbing my nominee of its full impact.

Seeing the people who plan to participate makes me wish I was joining this one. Again, I don't know if I'd want to be in a Hall of Fame in addition to the group watch thread at the same time (on top of everything I have going on in my life outside of this forum), but I do hope to be back in these at some point since it was originally my idea and the first thread we did went really well.

I'll join if I can find the movie I'm planning on nominating (it won't be easy).
Update: I found it on YouTube, except it has auto-generated subtitles. I'll keep looking to see what other links I can find, but provided that will be the only copy available for free, would you guys be okay with that? The subtitles are of decent quality and the film is under half an hour.

Registered User
Hosting a Third Hall of Infamy sounds like a blast! Count me in. Those bad movies can be surprisingly fun to riff on.