Watching Movies Alone with crumbsroom


Also, I might as well say my goodbyes. I'm not into this anymore. Maybe I'll reach out to a few people to see where they are at. Or maybe not. Who cares

But also . . . I get it.

*sigh* Yet one more Canadian I will have to randomly e-mail late on Saturday nights. (Don't be alarmed. The e-mails will be like "Hey, random question: have you seen this movie? Can you tell me if any butterflies were harmed in it?").


But also . . . I get it.

*sigh* Yet one more Canadian I will have to randomly e-mail late on Saturday nights. (Don't be alarmed. The e-mails will be like "Hey, random question: have you seen this movie? Can you tell me if any butterflies were harmed in it?").

Being Canadian, I might be out hunting bears while you email me. Forgive me if it takes awhile to respond.

But I'll always do so as soon as I return from the woods. Or wherever the hell I just was. I think it was the woods.

Too bad, but I also get it.

Good luck in this crazy thing we call life. It’s probably better out there anyway.

Take care. I enjoyed all your posts, recommendations and songs (did that make me sound like a stalker? I hope not). I will also keep up with you on Letterboxd (there I go again, haha).

Leaving, sh-leaving. I tried to leave so many times I eventually gave up and accepted the MoFo Drug. You ought to do the same!

Wait, who's going to debate Corax now!? You can't leave us alone with that dilettante!

Oh well, all the best and all that. Hope you return in some time and grace us with more of your thoughtful posts (not sarcastic).

In the interim, see ya. For now.

Always enjoyed reading your takes even if I didn't agree with them but you have to do what is best for you, you will be missed.

Sad to see you go, but it's understandable.

So I will leave with these parting words: Watch Things. Nothing else matters.
I did my part and even inflicted it upon unsuspecting others in the past. I don't know if they appreciated in the same number of 3rd, 4th, or 5th dimensions like we, here, did, but I'm sure their lives were changed in some way.

It’s probably better out there anyway.

This is my hope, although I have my doubts. But I do have my cats and dog and horse and my girl to always nudge me back into the light from whatever headfirst tumble into the weeds I've just taken. They're pretty good at reminding me that I, in fact, don't like it down there very much. After all, who in their right mind wants to argue about the beauty of art with some crazy person covered in burrs and milkweed fluff?

I guess you people, so maybe there is hope after all.

Just a little.

Take care.

Take care. I enjoyed all your posts, recommendations and songs

Less a stalker and more a masochist from the sound of it. But that's been the good thing about these sorts of boards over the years. The ability to shoot from the hip about what matters to us. All the talk about this pointless shit that is clearly not so pointless after all. It's been the only proof I've ever needed that what art creates, while only an illusion in most respects, actually can carry significantly more weight than all of the other truly pointless distractions we bog our lives down with.

And, yeah, I'll probably be devoting more time to letterboxd, even though communicating on that thing is a pretty cumbersome and not nearly as immediately gratifying as I prefer.

I'll keep an eye out for the director's cut of Ramblin' Man.
I presume that's what you'll be working on with your free time now.

My greatest shame. I'm still waiting for someone to find it in some junkheap and upload it to YouTube. Hopefully all the ads they are now bombarding everything with will keep anyone from actually watching it though. Including me.

Honestly, if you want to know what I was hoping to make down in that basement, with my monstrous no-talent friend who just wanted to cosplay Delta Burke Designing Women monologues instead of sticking to the script I never actually wrote, watch the Polonia Brothers "Hallucinations". The only other movie I've seen where you can sense the palpable irritation of the rest of a family stuck waiting around in other rooms for these two stupid kids to stop making their garbage movie.

Is it good? Not really. But I felt it suitable to recommend one final film no one actually should want to see. One final movie to ruin one final day and let that be my legacy.

It was nice meeting you. I always enjoyed our interactions.

Your eagerness to throw yourself into the centre of all sorts of different filmmaking is the essence of what a place like this is about. Never being discouraged if you think some of it is shit, or simply doesn't speak to you. It's just about the willingness to step into one alien landscape after another. That's all that really matters if your into this game for the same reasons as me. So, keep on truckin'. It's the good road.

Leaving, sh-leaving.

We'll see. I'm definitely taking a break. And if I ever do appear again, it will be in a severely limited capacity. Maybe just sticking to this thread and never once poking my head outside of it.

Anyways, it was nice to find someone here as devoted to this process of film stupidity as I once was. Probably considerably more so, which I didn't think was even possible. So keep that up as long as you can. But don't kill yourself over it. Movies might almost be worth the sacrifice, but I've come to learn these last few years, they sadly come up just a hair short of being the only thing that matters.

Wait, who's going to debate Corax now!?

*passes torch*

You seem to have the patience I no longer have for that nonsense. But be sure to tap out before I did. Semantic headlocks eventually cause brain damage. Just look at what it's done to me.

Always enjoyed reading your takes even if I didn't agree with them

Ah, music to my ears. If we all agreed, there'd be nothing to talk about anymore. And if we had nothing to talk about, what real value would art have anymore beyond killing time.

Take care and enjoy that horror cramming.

I did my part and even inflicted it upon unsuspecting others in the past. I don't know if they appreciated in the same number of 3rd, 4th, or 5th dimensions like we, here, did, but I'm sure their lives were changed in some way.

It's the life changing qualities of that film that really impress. You at least get to walk away from it hostile towards whoever recommended it, or the people who made it, or the entirety of Canada for somehow being complicit in its existence. And I like all of these things in small doses.

And thanks for consistently being the poster who didn't make me feel completely insane regarding my tastes, as you seemed just as willing to appreciate the weird and and unloved banal and completely tasteless as much as I do. How wonderful it is to see people just put themselves out there with what they create. How weird so many people's brains are, and why that is sort of a beautiful thing.
